My favorite manga when I was playing the first Animal Crossing game was Paradise Kiss. I liked the idea of calling my town Paradise (oh, young me...). It seems kind of cliche now but I can't stop. All my towns since the Gamecube Animal Crossing have been named Paradise. I don't like town names that limit me to one theme. I'm pretty bad at naming things too. I never give nicknames to my Pokemon haha.
My town is called Eden.
I wanted to name it Paradise, because it will be a paradise, but I thought that was too cliche. I also wanted something from Hebrew, which is one of my mother tongues.
Eden comes from Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden), which is paradise in Hebrew.
Dawnclif. First off, I wanted it to be Dawncliff, but ran out of characters... When I was making my town, I wanted a nice name themed around the sunrise/set. I had finally settled on dawn, I guess partly because I'm always about early enough to usually catch the sunrise. Lastly, I just stuck clif on the end because I figured watching a sunrise from atop a really big cliff ought to look really pretty. I guess I live on a hill, so I can see something pretty close, but a cliff his better aestethic I suppose!
I used to watch this this korean flash animation where these characters lived in a forest called "Hohohohaha forest" or something like that when I was a tween. So I named my town HeeHee, because it's cute but still carries an eerie overtone.