What is the theme of your town?

My town does not have a specific theme, no paths either although I am going to try to do some paths in the future.
This is my first AC Game, so I didn't have a theme picked out when I started. Now that I've been playing for awhile, though, I started building my town into a very cute and delicate flowery garden. I'm not really sure where I'm going to go with it, but I like the idea of having it very organized and classic looking. I'm accenting it with some illuminated and flowery arches, classic streetlights, ect. I really would love to have some little garden areas later on, maybe a campfire surrounded by some pine trees. I really want the picnic blanket at some point too. Right now my town is more of a mess than anything else, though.
my plan was hella kawaii fairy tale, but it's kinda morphed into random furniture laying everywhere.
my next town is planned out though! it will be woodland.
i started out cute.

turned into poop.

but like...

I think I'm going for a cute fairytail forest thing. Like what princesses live in, Snow White or something. Or Sleeping beauty.
Update from my last post :p

Instead of doing a forest town, Im doing an "old country that's modernizing and is slowly becoming a popular tourist destination"
Deer is such a cute theme. ; u;

My theme is night time and space. It's definitely way under construction, but I like it so far. I don't really care which villagers are in my town, though. I let them come and go whenever, except for Diana who is never allowed to leave. 눈_눈
Minimalist simi-urban forest theme with exclusively avian villagers.
Lots of bush path ways, pine trees, warm colored flowers, and wooden main paths with broken stone side paths.
Lots of basic street lamps, metal benches, and fountains as PWPs.
Minimalist because the map is rather small, there is only one player house with little path variation, and the train station/town hall will not be changed.

Boring you say? Eh, maybe. But I'm trying to make it work.
My theme is pretty much village-y, earthy, natural, with a hint of ugly.
There's no theme, I just get the villagers I love and give them their own personal space.

For example, Sterling and Knox got a Zen section because they need tranquility and peace of mind to train. Punchy lives near the playground. Phil, who reminds me so much of Falco Lombardi in Star Fox, gets his own nature-friendly sci-fi section and Chief is a hermit in a Perfect Orange forest by the sea. Rocket is situated near my house right beside a pond, so she gets surrounded by pink roses and some nice view...? I'm still working on Marina, and the other 3 villagers aren't permanent, so they get to plot wherever as long as it doesn't ruin anyone's section.
Most of my town fits under the fairy tale theme. Originally, I wanted to go with a Zen instead, but then I changed my mind once I finally accomplished finishing my mayor's fairy tale house exterior.
My town doesn't really have a theme, but, I've tried to make things seem quite natural and a tad bit vintage.