I really like Cyan a ton. One of the reasons is that it reminds me of stars and space which I hold a interest in alot. Another thing I like about it is that it's a combination of blue and green, which are colors I like a ton too.
For many years, my favorite color has been purple. It wasn't my original favorite color, but one I came to appreciate as I got older. That said, as of the past little while I believe my favorite color has been transitioning to orange. I atrribute it to the fact that orange is associated with Halloween, which is one of my favorite days of the year. I feel like it extends past Halloween and to Autumn entirely due to the leaves falling and changing their colors. It's just a pretty strong color all around, I think. Perhaps purple is still my favorite and it's just that I've been fond of it for so long that it's just lost a bit of its appeal from overexposure. I can't really say for sure.
I guess I'd say that it's a neck-and-neck race between purple and orange and that at the moment, orange is ahead.
I love white as my favourite colour. They say black goes with everything, creating the ‘[colour] is the new black’ phrase. But I feel that white goes along with everything as well. I date you to name something that doesn’t go with white.
When I look at a white screen, I think about the bright side of things. Things that come to my head when I see white is some clouds in heaven, snow and winter, Christmas, swans, bunnies, kitties, cute sheep, and much more. The plain look of the colour makes it seem original and makes me feel enthusiastic.
This thread reminds me of when I was in elementary school, in all honesty. I was always scared to reveal my favourite colour, because there was always something bad to that colour and people would get teased for that. For example, if you said your favourite colour was yellow, you’d get teased because it was the colour of wee, apparently. Brown = poop. Red = blood. Pink = ‘a girly’ colour. Green = vomit. Blue = aliens. Orange = prisoner suit, and etc. I highly disliked this colour stuff that propel teased each other for, and I think that they should think of the good stuff in the colour and not the bad stuff.
Blue. All the way. I like all shades of it but if I had to choose it'd be Sky Blue. It's relaxing, easy on the eyes, and gives off a mellowly vibe that makes it stand out to me.
I don't have a favorite color because there are so many to appreciate. The only colors I don't really like are bright/ neon yellow, yellow-green, greenish brown and colors similar to those.