Pokémon What is your favorite Gen 8 Pokemon?


Jun 25, 2020
Woofo Isle
We all love our oldies from Gen 1 and newbies from Gen 7. But what is you favortie Gen 8 Pokemon? Why? Do you like its design? Is it because its very strong?

My favorite is Appletun and Yamper cuz theyre are super duper cuteeee!
I like the majority of the gen 8 Pokemon, but my absolute faves are Sobble's evolution line, Corviknight and the box-art legendaries. Their designs are really cool, imo. Honorable mention goes to Appletun and Snom. I just can't do anything but smile when I see them.
I didn't get Sword or Shield (and I actually don't plan to), but I did look at the Pokemon before.

I think my favorites are Hattrem, Alcremie, Skwovet, Scorbunny, Clobbopus, and Indeedee.
It's a tough choice, but probably either Corviknight or Sirfetch'd. For simplicity's sake, I'll just say both.

The choice is difficult because they both share traits I'm fond of in general. Birds are my favorite type of creature in the world, and they're both different types of birds. They both have a knightly aesthetic, and I really like knights too! I'd say Corviknight probably wins in the looks department since they're a raven, which is one of my two favorite types of birds alongside penguins. Meanwhile, I enjoy the versatility of moveset Sirfetch'd has and have more fun using them.

Other favorites would be Zamazenta (Zacian's cool too, I've just always preferred Zamazenta's design), Falinks, Flapple, Polteageist, and Rillaboom. There are others I could list too but it'd be getting too long. Suffice it to say, while I'm not particularly happy with some of the creative decisions made with Sword & Shield, I do enjoy a bunch of the new Pokémon that were introduced.
Objectively speaking, Corviknight, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon and Dragapult are coolest looking for sure (not to mention competitively strong).

Personally, I like Galarian Rapidash, Sir Fetch'd and Cramorant most
Galarian Rapidash and Zacian.

I don't really judge Pokemon too much by how strong they are. I like both of these Pokemon because they have top notch designs. Although it doesn't hurt that Galarian Rapidash has one of the best typings and thus was used by me extensively in my playthrough. (which means I had Shield and didn't get Zacian. =( )
Arrokuda and Barraskewda! But Gen 8 has a bunch of cool Pokemon; Sizzlipede line, Snom line, Dreepy line, Eternatus, Pincurchin, Silicobra line are the ones that come to mind. But Arrokuda and Barraskuda are for sure my favorites
My fav is Toxel. I'd throw away the starter and just use Toxel as my main the whole game. Angry punk baby <3
As a system we like psychic and bug types, so when we saw Orbeetle we got excited.

During our playthrough of the game, we also named our Blipbug WWW. because we were on a webcore kick, not realizing that that was actually a bit of a pun (dot).
My favorite gen 8 pokes are Cinderace, Inteleon, Falinks, Thievul (and Nickit), Barraskewda, Centiskorch, Dracozolt, and Zamazenta! :D

I think out of all of those Falinks is the best, I wish I had a copy of Shield so I could use one in a playthrough.
This gen knocked it out with the pokemon. I'm actually surprised I like that many (wasn't the biggest fan of most Gen7 mons). Fav is probably Sandaconda with Polteageist and Dragapult coming in second and third.

Overall, even though the dexes past Gen5 have become smaller, the the quality of Pokemon designs are top notch. People always say that they want another game with 100+ new mons again but honestly smaller dexes, with more thoughtful, less filler mons is much much better.
Galarian Ponyta!!


Scorbunnys whole evo line
Nickits whole evo line
We all love our oldies from Gen 1 and newbies from Gen 7. But what is you favortie Gen 8 Pokemon? Why? Do you like its design? Is it because its very strong?

My favorite is Appletun and Yamper cuz theyre are super duper cuteeee!

Hmm...my favorite gen 8 Pokemon would have to be Galarian Ponyta/Rapidash!