What is your favorite season, and why?

Favorite season?

  • Spring

  • Summer

  • Autumn

  • Winter

  • Mars Weather

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Sep 7, 2016
Father's Day Carnation
Red Balloon
Father's Day Carnation
Cherry (Fruit)
Wondering what all you forumites think of the natural transition our planet expresses, and Mars.

Also, post a reason!
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Honestly, love spring because here up north, our winter is super grey and depressing... Then all of a sudden leaves blossom and our roads thaw, it's almost as if life starts again.
Fall…the temperature outside is perfect sleeping weather for me. I crack the windows wide open before going to sleep.
Autumn is my favorite season. My birthday and my favorite holiday, Halloween, are both in autumn. The temperature in autumn, especially early in the season, is usually perfect for me. Just a hint of coolness to the air but still warm enough that I don't feel cold. The changing colors of the leaves are gorgeous and the squirrels are very active, storing up enough food for winter.
It's between summer and spring for me! Depends on where I'm living.

Back in my hometown I think I would say summer because it gets hot but is still pleasant. I love spending time outdoors in summer, it completely changes my mood for the better.

Where I live now is subtropical so summers are hu-MID! A lot of people don't like summer very much here and I'm with them! It's so hot that people don't want to go outside much. Spring weather can be warm without being uncomfortable and I love seeing everything in bloom!

This summer I'm going back to visit my family for the first time in 3 years. Originally I was going to go back early May but pushed it off to the next set of holidays. I'm glad I did because the weather will be nicer then for the trip and I can escape the heat here.
Fall and winter. Summer is gross to me. Way too many people out doing things and then everyone is sweaty and smelly. I think anything over 70°F is disgusting. I can handle hotter weather if there’s a body of water nearby beach, river, lake. It’s so much easier to warm up than it is to cool down.
Autumn. The leaves changing are beautiful. I like seeing black and orange, green and purple stuff. There's alot of cinnamon stuff that shows up for this season. Apple cider is yum. Bonfires are more fun in this season. It also feels like the last chill time before the dreaded holidays. Autumn holds good memories.
I love Spring! ❤️ After the cold winter, it’s when everything starts blooming and coming to life again - I love seeing everything become green again! There’s blossom trees on my street and it’s so beautiful in spring. It’s also not as hot in spring as in summer so, that gives it bonus points!
There's alot of cinnamon stuff that shows up for this season.

Cinnamon is so delicious! Also ginger, pumpkin spice, and chai 🍁
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Also I am actually surprised at the results!
Completely did not expect the majority to be as it is..
In general I like winter the most. The cool weather is easy to accommodate for and the long nights are nice. My second favorite varies. In western Oregon it’s Spring. The many cherry blossoms that litter the cities look gorgeous. In central and eastern Oregon I prefer Autumn. They’re the only parts of the state where many trees actually lose their leaves. It never fails to look fantastic.
Summer. Only decent season weather-wise and you don't need to layer and bundle up like the other ones.
Autumn and winter. I don't like the heat in Spring and Summer, I much prefer cooler/cold temps. I also love the leaves changing colors, the pumpkins in Autumn, Halloween, Thanksgiving. And I love winter because of snow, we get quite a bit here in NY. I also love the holiday season, all the lights and decorations, just a magical time of year for me
Spring is my favourite season because it reminds me of the rainy season where I live. I love when it rains so for me that is important. According to the calendar, spring is March, April and May. My birthday is in April so that gets factored in as well.
Spring. I get seasonal depression super bad, when Spring hits it basically feels like a huge mood booster. The weather here means that it stops raining so much in Spring and gets sunny and warm (but not too hot! around 16-19 degrees Celsius), which is my fav type of weather. All my happiest memories are during Spring. My birthday is also in May, so that helps.

I love Autumn a lot too, especially when the leaves are just starting to turn. Halloween is also a really cool holiday.

I hate Winter though 😂 UK winters are miserable af, we almost never get snow, just freezing 24/7 rain.
Summer is hit or miss, it's usually great right up until the annual heat wave where suddenly it gets horrifically humid and unbearable for a week or two.
In western Oregon it’s Spring.
I hear Oregan is so beautiful. Here in British Comlumbia our springs are so full of life. The ground defrosts and the warm sun feel so comforting with the cool air. Love light partial rain on a sunny spring day- like the beginning scene of Bambi lol!