what is your favourite kind of confetti?


Nov 14, 2018
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
Yellow Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Flower Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand

foil? tissue paper? square, rectangle or heart shaped? rice or flower petals?

confetti comes in so many different shapes and sizes! i'd have to say my favourite would be the
rectangle multi-coloured/rainbow confetti! there's just something so nostalgic about that certain kind!​
Confetti is just Confetti, it's nothing more but a hassle to clean.
I never buy confetti, so I didn't realize there were so many kinds. I can't really pick a favorite because of that...
I don't really like confetti. It's hard to clean in outdoor settings. But if I had to choose then it would be colorful, hearts, stars or crescent moon, and paper.
the paper kind of confetti seems the most fun to me! I imagine the foil stuff isn't very bio-degradable but idk

i like the shine that foil confetti gives off but you're so right it isn't very environmentally friendly. in the past few years i feel like i've heard more and more about bio-degradable confetti and glitter but haven't had the chance to try any cause i don't really buy confetti or glitter
I love all confetti!! 🎉🎉 Shiny or matte, round, square, or cut into little shapes, if it's colorful and pretty then it's doing its job imo.

For years I had a refillable confetti popper toy and a massive supply of refills hidden away... I was a menace with that thing. Any time could be ✨confetti time✨ if I wanted it to be. No one was ever truly safe from confetti jumpscares.
I did let it go a year or two ago (after using up the last of my refills) whilst trying to cut down on all the stuff I owned, so peace has since been restored to our home. For now.