What is your "Man this only happens to me and nobody else in the world" moment?


Mayor of Hakiki'ili
Jul 16, 2015
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Cherry (Fruit)
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What is your "Man this only happens to me and nobody else in the world" moment?

Like, legitimately only happens to you looool

For me, I was eating caramel-filled chocolates and I bit the top half of it off and set it on the table to type something and then my sleeve got caught in the caramel LOL WHO DOES THAT-
I was walking my dogs (a little yorkipoo and a giant germanshepard/pitbull mix) yesterday and tripped over the small one which made me fall to the ground face first... then got dragged through the mud by my big one :c
I swear this kind of stuff only happens to me lol
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I was walking my dogs (a little yorkipoo and a giant germanshepard/pitbull mix) yesterday and tripped over the small one which made me fall to the ground face first... then got dragged through the mud by my big one :c
I swear this kind of stuff only happens to me lol

GOOD LORD LOL I swear I've seen this kind of thing only in cartoons ahaha I hope you're okay though! That sounds like it hurt oof!
GOOD LORD LOL I swear I've seen this kind of thing only in cartoons ahaha I hope you're okay though! That sounds like it hurt oof!

My knees were a little scraped up after but I'm ok!! 100% felt like I was on a tv show or something lol!
I had one of those moments today actually...
I was backing out of my driveway and forgot that the organics rubbish bin was out for collection blocking the part of the driveway. I reversed thinking there would be nothing in my way, knocked over the organics bin. Rotten food went all over the road, so I had to clean that up. I had to pull the bin from under my car which partially damaged and took off my rear bumper lol. All I could think was of course I'd do something as dumb as this xD
I had one of those moments today actually...
I was backing out of my driveway and forgot that the organics rubbish bin was out for collection blocking the part of the driveway. I reversed thinking there would be nothing in my way, knocked over the organics bin. Rotten food went all over the road, so I had to clean that up. I had to pull the bin from under my car which partially damaged and took off my rear bumper lol. All I could think was of course I'd do something as dumb as this xD


That's so gross! Also rip car :((
A lot of the times when I'm in a car trying to get to a place as quickly as possible, the traffic lights seem to always switch from green to red at the perfect time where if say, if this happened maybe only a second later, I would have made it through and wouldn't have to wait like that.
I got this curse about early-mid last year where whenever I would eat chicken, I would ALWAYS encounter a bone or some kinda grit. The thing that sucks is I have a terrible, terrible gag reflex and get nauseous at absolutely everything- so imagine just biting into some tender chicken and suddenly- CRONCH

GOD its the most disgusting thing in the world I get sick just talking about it. Luckily, I think the curse ended. It hasn't happened in a while- though tbh I don't eat as much chicken and try to avoid it just because of that ://
Just my bad luck in general. I have more instances of bad luck then I do good, and the bad is always constant. Other people around me don't seem to have as much bad luck as I do.

My day isn't like bad luck all the time misery, but I most certainly have instances where somethin just didn't go right for me if I did this or avoided that.
I had one of those moments today actually...
I was backing out of my driveway and forgot that the organics rubbish bin was out for collection blocking the part of the driveway. I reversed thinking there would be nothing in my way, knocked over the organics bin. Rotten food went all over the road, so I had to clean that up. I had to pull the bin from under my car which partially damaged and took off my rear bumper lol. All I could think was of course I'd do something as dumb as this xD

Oh man, I've been there! I did the same thing but with the recycling bins and the garbage man was coming down my street so I had to hurry and pick it all back up as he watched. RIP.
when i was younger, my friend and i stabbed our veins with a sharp candy cane and didn't stop bleeding. fun stuff :) i promise, we didn't know it was THAT sharp.
I'll put something away only to realize seconds later that I still need it and look like an idiot grabbing something I just put away.
Went and picked up dinner last night, and stepped in something by the door on my way out. Didn't think too much of it, but my right foot was super slick when I started pushing on my cars gas and break pedals.

Touched the bottom of my shoe to realize I had stepped in caeser salad dressing that was now all over my hand, car carpet, and the gas/break and it made everything as slick as ice. I almost rear ended the car in front of me because my foot slipped off the break and now my car just smells like a caeser salad. :(
welp today i got sick...then we got word that my grandpa is dying...not finalized but i think ima have to travel in a car for 1000 miles while sick to see my grandpa......
Went and picked up dinner last night, and stepped in something by the door on my way out. Didn't think too much of it, but my right foot was super slick when I started pushing on my cars gas and break pedals.

Touched the bottom of my shoe to realize I had stepped in caeser salad dressing that was now all over my hand, car carpet, and the gas/break and it made everything as slick as ice. I almost rear ended the car in front of me because my foot slipped off the break and now my car just smells like a caeser salad. :(

Sounds like me, I always step/walk into/touch greasy and creamy stuff. Just today one of the staff elevator door handles were really greasy and I didn't notice until way later on ugh..and i think i got something else or that on my shirt too ew.. think it was some hand cream or stuff but people dont use that much lol
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when i was younger, my friend and i stabbed our veins with a sharp candy cane and didn't stop bleeding. fun stuff :) i promise, we didn't know it was THAT sharp.

Once I managed to burn myself several times in a few seconds: I wanted to take something in the oven but burn myself, then because of the surprised reaction, I burned the top of my hand on the grill (top element) in the oven, then stuck my arm on the hot window and finally put my hand on the burner.
Yeah I'm a pro with burning myself too and always getting cuts in my finger because knives and scissors (tm)