wow looks like i accidentally struck a nerve with you, huh.
i would go and pull up sources and research like i often do with my class projects, but as a result of past experiences, i dont try to reason with someone who excuses a shameful history because "other countries fooked up on too" and thinks that because america is diverse that we do not have a white supremacy issue here.
also you sound very, very upset with my thoughts here. i dont mean to personally attack you if thats what your feeling. in fact i don't recall even directing my original post to you. that was on your poll, remeber? the one you didn't word out so well?
wonderful preach on what this amazing, flawless country has done for the rest of the world. such progression, such diversity. i'm sure whoever had told you those things will be proud that you rehearsed it online.
not exactly sure what this purple penguin/gender inclusive stuff means to a conversation about presidency. i assume its an passive aggressive attempt to get personal with me, but your gonna need to take a deep breath, and relax. if you can't handle your emotions with politics and discussions with a child's level of condescending, and attempt at a flame war because you get upset, i don't think its a good idea for you to click on political threads.
anyways, diversity is a great thing. but food is what really brings people together.