Senior Member
I will never be able to complete the catalog for this game, so I need to just let it go. Kind of freeing, actually.
I decided to try another Marshal cookie today since the game has been giving out a lot of leaf tickets lately. I got a 3rd small table. All I want is the waiter outfit. I thought it was supposed to be common.
I feel your pain. Only have gotten the Virtual boy and game wall! Who wants a game wall when there were so many consoles to obtain?!
They should've given you a more... sinister option to obtain fortune cookies. If you had a very high friendship Lvl 15-20 friendship with snooty, uchi, or cranky villagers to be paid to "convince" Hopkins to give you fortune cookies for a fee of about $5,000 bells. When I mean "convince".. deflation threats would be involved. (Have you seen the back of his head? He's an inflatable bunny!)
Or if you perhaps a much better way is to give them an extremely rare fish/bug/fruit to the villager of that fortune cookie they'd give you that villager-specific cookie. I really wish they made that an option than rather be so reliant on RNG and leaf tickets!