What kind of a game even is HHD?

It's a spin-off from the original Animal Crossing games.

Instead of living in a town and catching bugs, talking with villagers, buying stuff, etc, all you get to do is decorate/build villagers houses and buildings (like school) for them.

Yeah, that's pretty much it, I think.

love your avatar btw
You don't live in a town where you're the mayor and place PWPs or chat with villagers. You also don't fish, catch bugs, dig up fossils, or any of that stuff.

HHD is exactly what it says it is. It's a home designer game. While you can design homes, you can also design stores, hospitals, classrooms, and other various places. That's basically what the game is about. It's not a true Animal Crossing title, but it's a spinoff game. And it looks awesome.

Edit: basically what okaimii said since they beat me to it :p
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It's a spin-off from the original Animal Crossing games.

Instead of living in a town and catching bugs, talking with villagers, buying stuff, etc, all you get to do is decorate/build villagers houses and buildings (like school) for them.

Yeah, that's pretty much it, I think.

love your avatar btw

Oh okay, fair enough! That makes sense c: Thanks a bunch, haha. ^^ Major thanks to you too, @ShinyYoshi c: (Not sure how to notify on this forum lol)

Oh I love yours too :p Yukiko is bae
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