What language(s) do you speak?

What language(s) do you speak?

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english and then from learning in school, I can speak pretty good spanish (and especially understand it) as well.
I speak Finnish (my native language), English and some Swedish too. I feel like I'm quite fluent in English but my Swedish is really basic and not fluent at all. Not yet anyways.
I speak English and Spanish
Both fluently.
Both I speak everyday at my job.
At home mostly Spanish
And with friends English.
polish and english fluently, conversational spanish (i understand a lot but somehow ive lost most of my ability to form sentences lol) and i understand russian and know some basics of it

i learned german in high school but i dont even know how to intruduce myself lmao
English and Finnish. I used to be able to be alright at Swedish too but have forgotten everything. Learnt German and Japanese and forgot those as well. :(
I only speak English. I used to be able to speak Spanish well, but I forgot most of it after graduating from high school.
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I speak English, Dutch(native) and German.

I used to have a knack for French way back in high school, but I never picked up on it again :[
I speak german, english and french.
German, because I am german.
English, because of school + online gaming.
French because my boyfriend is french, so I moved to France and had to learn the language.

My favorite language is english though, as it is so easy.. :b
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I speak swedish and english fluently. Swedish because I am swedish and english because of school and pop culture.

I've been able to communicate with some players on club tortimer using german, french, spanish and japanese but I wouldn't say I speak those languages. I just know a few words and phrases.
Only English, I know a tiny tiny bit of Japanese and French, but not even enough to carry out a basic conversation. I hope to teach myself more in the future.
Just English, I'm a noob lol

I can understand Spanish when I'm reading it, but I'm not fluent in it and I can't understand conversations in Spanish...
I'm fluent in English and have a fairly solid level of Irish fluency. Definitely conversational level at least. I studied French in secondary school too but I've forgotten most of it by now unfortunately. :(
Portuguese is my native language and i know a few words of both french & spanish due to middle school
I speak English, but I am currently taking classes to learn German. In retrospect, I should have statred taking classes for french or another romantic language, because then I could kind of understand people in France, Italy, and Romania.