What Makes a Good Movie for You?

- puppets
- surrealism
- well-composed shots
- good aesthetics
- haunting music
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-movies that leave me really thinking about them once the it's over
-movies that have women in them that don't serve as a romantic subplot or just exist to further the man's role (looking @ you Mad Max: Fury Road and the new Star Wars <3)
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I forgot some things, actually.
-I want it to stick with me. I watched Wolf Children over a week ago and I still cannot stop thinking about it. Another example, before that, I could not stop thinking about Hector and the Search for Happiness, and I watched that back in August
-I love good long camera shots, or interesting camera shots at that.
-I don't like an isolating feel. As much as I like Twilight Zone and The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T, they make me feel alone and scared, even though they aren't horror. I want to feel in the company of the characters while I watch a movie.
-If animated, I want it to stand out and have its own style.
Films that make huge impacts on me and I can't stop thinking about them once I've seen 'em.. Not only Breaking the waves(that movie is god hands down)... Be it fiction or non-fiction. But I can watch most stuff except stupid romantic comedy and overly action things.
I'm not sure, I'm terrible at critiquing.
I don't really have a favorite genre, but Fast & Furious has pulled me in oddly enough. I saw the original in theaters, skipped the next 2, but that 4th hooked me on the franchise, and I now have all 7 DVD's, and plan to watch the rest (minus Walker of course).
Good acting
Good special effects
No forced romance
If it's a comedy, I want to be able to find the humor funny, not stupid and immature.
Good/interesting plot
No shaky cam. Movies with shaky cam aren't bad, but it's hard for me to know what's going on when the camera is shaking all over the place

something that grabs my attention and disney movies are ****ing life
- A+ animation
-well developed characters (no clear good or evil, motive)
-plot twists like an unexpected ending or someone dying
-witty humor
-if you can add in a creepy element thats a +++

-dogs dying ; A; - i end up feeling sad for the whole movie lol
-the whole cliche romance/chick flick type of movie
All it needs is an interesting premise.

The rest could be absolute garbage but if I like the premise enough I'll love it anyway.