Ahh, too many things. I am clinically depressed so it comes and goes but when it's here, MAN IT'S HERE. I have too much anxiety. When I mess up, and people are disappointed in me, is when I get the most depressed. It seems like my meds just don't work. But what does cure my anxiety/depression? This game. That's why I have played it for so freaking long. It cures so many things, especially planting flowers and such. I love it so much. My girlfriend makes me play sometimes to make sure I am okay, and I love it
My Dad
My future because I know what's coming
Facebook and seeing everyone I've been close with live their happy lives without me
Not being good enough
Failing everything
My family has a history of depression.
It's gotten a lot worse recently. It used to be occasionally, but for a while now it's gotten bad. I'm not really sad, I'm just not happy.
The real question is what doesn't make me depressed
It's actually been pretty bad for me lately like worse than usual. Sometimes I don't even get out of bed and I know this isn't myself but I'm to depressed to even do anything about it
I quit my job and now I just sit around at home like I don't even leave my house cause I do school online and my classes are hard so I spend time crying about that and avoiding doing it it's pretty bad honestly
I have a mood disorder (schizoaffective; the affective side being bipolar) and I just get depressed for literally no reason sometimes. But then being depressed gets me thinking of ****, and it makes me feel worse. Maybe thinking about my ex-girlfriends and all the memories I have with them, and the fact that I'll never get to re-experience those memories with them ever again.
Also the fact that I get bullied by this chick at school and I can't do anything because she's a girl and well, I can't fight her because ahem I'm a guy. I also can't tell anyone because I'd be shunned and called a sook.
Thinking about the negative symptoms of my schizoaffective/schizotypal disorders. I get so forgetful, weary, etc. sometimes and I can't even form a coherent sentence at times because of how fast my thoughts are going. Then people give me weird looks because what I'm saying doesn't make sense.
ffs now i feel pissed off at myself.
more things to be sad about!
The fact that I'm so lonely and all these people that I know have such fun and happy lives.
The fact that I work in fast food and will probably never have a future. Also the fact that I'm mistreated at work.
The fact that I can't even pass any exams (which links back to my negative symptoms -- forgetfulness).
er, luckily nothing in particular at the moment- my moods are positive and i'm extremely mellow and cheerful for once, instead of experiencing no real emotions and derealisation. the turning point was me waking up after spending a week with my boyfriend: it was like some cleanse from the previous reality?
The biggest one is realizing I don't really have any friends but my boyfriend. Then coming to terms with the fact that my anxiety and depression keep me from going out and making any more :/
Depression actually runs in my family, my mum and granddad both have it.
What triggers it for me is that I'm always the outcast wherever I go and I've been bullied my whole life.
Lately it's the problem with my kidney that's been getting me really down lately.
Weird question... my illness I guess, but also bad memories that play on repeat and a bad situation that makes me anxious.
I'm okay usually, but I do occasionally get really bad phases where I just can't stop thinking about those things.
I guess right now money problems are the most crucial factor, but I'm handling it and got myself out of a phase.
E-ve-ry-thing. Well it depends, if I have a depression, there is no reason, it could be the best day of my life and I would feel depressed anyway. If I'm suddenly depressed because of something, it will most likely because of the news or life on earth in general.
A few days a go I found a large spider in the bathroom and because I didn't want to kill it, I put it in a jar and threw it outside, unfortunately it landed on a spider web that I hadn't seen and a monstrous spider twice its size jumped on it and ate it. Then I thought of all species surviving eating each other and It made me feel very depressed. My mom always says "well it's life" Well life sucks if you want my opinion...
When I say everything, it's everything: just walking in the neighborhood with all those little houses all alike, grass full of pesticides, people running to their jobs, school, running back home, screaming after the kids, dogs, cats, fireworks, traffic jam, people are always in a hurry, complain all the time and then they die. Humanity in general depresses me.
Within less than two years both of my close grandparents, and now this last weekend my only uncle, have passed away.
Because I moved to a different country, I've not been able to say goodbye to either of them, attend their funerals or share my grief. I always thought I'd feel an indescribable sadness at their deaths, but it's just this numb realization of something lost forever. Sometimes I wonder if by the time I come home there'll be no one left, and whether it would still be home without anyone in it but me
- when i dont shower for days
ofc i dont do it *bc* of depression but then i just feel that much more gross idek why i dont shower more lol
- having no social life and being awful at communicating w/ friends or making new ones because of how shy & anxious & unsocial i am
- not seeing my s/o as much because im far away from home
- weight gain & seeing my body in the mirror... lol
- always wishing i were somewhere else
-having a poor sleep schedule. this one is a biggie. i have my s/o tell me if it's time for bed each night and we say good night but then i stay up longer on my phone 9 times out of 10. but even if i did put my phone away i wouldnt be able to sleep anyway because my roommate always blasts music and is unaware of her loudness