ʕ •̀ o •́ ʔ
ok so everyone on here seems to think they're a total super random weirdo xD who doesn't fit in and who no one understands but what is it that makes you think you are a weirdo? ok go
when i was a kid i thought i was weird because i didn't drink hot chocolate or blueberry soup. i also felt weird because i didn't watch the same cartoons as other kids, i had no idea what martin morning was and i barely watched pok?mon and obviously that's what must have made me have a hard time connecting to other kids. turns out i was just autistic but not drinking blueberry soup must have been a close second
when i was a kid i thought i was weird because i didn't drink hot chocolate or blueberry soup. i also felt weird because i didn't watch the same cartoons as other kids, i had no idea what martin morning was and i barely watched pok?mon and obviously that's what must have made me have a hard time connecting to other kids. turns out i was just autistic but not drinking blueberry soup must have been a close second
anyway current edge count is 0 but i'm sure that will change within the first 5 replies asdfgdhdfhdhf