Alright, here I come with the most important question of this site's history. I recently switched to drinking whole milk (3.25%), and have realized there is quite a drastic change in flavor between the different types. So which of these do you drink?
I'm sure this has been asked at some point but I don't recall seeing any thread about it.
almond or oat milk : ) i'm not vegan yet but i hope in the future i can make the change! (also that's what my family drinks so i'm used to it, i much prefer the taste)
I prefer almond milk. But at work, they only stock 2% or whole milk, so I am stuck with that if I want coffee. If I am to stock dairy in my fridge, it is almond milk.
Holy crap there's a lotta people here who drink almond milk. I dont think its a bad thing at all, but I've never met a person irl who drinks almond milk lol
I don't drink milk. I have mild lactose intolerance, so I can tolerate certain amounts of cheese and ice cream, but milk is just too much for my stomache to handle.
I've tried almond milk and will use it in a pinch, but I really don't go out of my way for it.
Before I knew I was lactose intolerant, my family bought either whole or 2% milk and that's what I used with cereal. But I haven't eaten cereal in ages.
I don’t drink milk. I’m not lactose intolerant, but I just don’t eat cereal anymore really and I don’t usually drink milk by itself. I also don’t consume caffeine anymore, which includes coffee, so I don’t consume it there anymore either. I used to drink a lot of milk when I was a teenager, including almond milk, but that was around the time my left wrist had a clean break and was healing. Now I don’t see the point in it anymore as there’s other things I can consume for calcium.
I prefer almond milk these days, but I've also gone through a cashew milk phase, and a soy milk phase. We also have rice milk at home for my boyfriend, as he prefers it to nut milk.
If we do ever get milk (like when making mac & cheese, you can't make the white sauce base with a milk alternative) we get semi-skimmed milk! I used to drink semi-skimmed milk daily (in my coffee, in cereals, and sometimes by the glass paired with cookies or bread & nutella), and it took me a while to get off the habit but I'm really glad I did!
milk was my favorite beverage as a kid, so when somebody in college challenged me to drink an entire gallon of milk in an hour and hold it down for twenty minutes, i thought, phht no problem!
how difficult did it turn out to do, though?
i'll just say, that the homecoming queen nicknamed me White Niagara Falls after my efforts... *A*