I've got a 2DS. It's white with teal accents. Before my current one, I had the original black 2DS with blue accents. I have never owned a 3DS, I was waiting for something like the 2DS to come out because I didn't care for the 3D feature, or the price.
I was legit just thinking of starting a thread like this, and now I found one haha.
Mine is just the plain old Black New 3DS XL. However I have a Super Mario themed case for it, as well as an Aurora (the villager) charm on it to make it look cooler :3
My brother has the old metallic blue 3DS XL, and my best friend has the limited edition HHD New 3DS XL.
Mine is the normal 3DS and it's purple. I've had it for almost 4 years and it still works great. Well the R-button doesn't work well much of the time anymore (played so much online Luigi's Mansion ), and this past summer I had to replace the battery.
Still, it's really a good system and I'm happy that it's still in working condition.