In New Horizons, you're able to sit down with Isabelle and talk about your island evaluations, which is a really cool feature in the game. If you were able to unlock this feature, how many stars did Isabelle date your island and are you happy with it?
My island seems stuck on 4 stars no matter what I do. It's very decorated but maybe I have too many flowers or something. I've only been playing less than a year though so maybe it takes awhile to get just right. If 5 stars never happens I'll probably just follow a guide eventually, but I'm fine with it for now.
4, I put way too much junk on the floor and I feel lazy cleaning it up. It would be 5 if there was no items on the floor. I did used to have 5 stars though.
5 stars. no idea why either. my island is basically barren except for a few trees and the flowers that im breeding. i do have three beach lounge areas though, maybe thats whats doing it.
I’m pretty sure mine’s at 4 stars right now. I often have a lot of stuff on the ground lol. I have had it be 5 stars before and I have enough Jacob’s ladders and the gold watering can so I’m not bothered about my rating anymore.
I restarted my second island in October and checked the other day and it was at 5 stars. It’s been awhile since I checked the rating of my main island but last time I checked it was also at 5 stars.
mine is at 5 and it's nowhere near finished. i just put some flowers and items haphazardly around the island and got a 5 star rating. thats why it doesnt mean much to me (happy home evals either), its more important that the island/homes be aesthetically pleasing to me. i do need a lot of lilies of the valley so im trying to keep it at 5 stars while i work on my island but eventually i plan to use a lot of "clutter" items like star fragments, wedding crystals, mushrooms, etc. which i know will bring down my rating.