Earthquakes.. I live in southern California, smack dab in-between two faults and yeah.. there has been a lot of quakes growing up. The biggest one I had felt was around nearly 5.0 in magnitude? I don't remember, I was in elementary school still. But.. after the 7.2 quake in spring '09.. I've been able to deal with them a little bit better.. Although.. I have noticed that if there's an earthquake nowadays and I'm laying down, my body responds to it.. I move around, like jerk around as it strikes.. I guess to not feel the movement over my own? I don't know what it is, but yeah.
When I was little I had a recurring nightmare for a few years that I would wake up at night and be dragged into a portal out my bed and these men would put me into a cardboard box and push me down this tube thing, then at the bottom a create I named the 'ch ch ch' (I had a boiler in my room irl that made that sound during the night) would grab me and eat me.
Me and my parents had no idea what had caused my recurring nightmares (it was like every night) but years later I was told about this thing that was on the TV show The Tellytubies and I watched it and it was the bear creature thing I saw in my dreams. This thing was so creepy no wonder I had nightmares for years after watching this. TT_TT
You had the Star Rod right?
I used to have this doll I got from my grandmother that would sit on my dresser. I really liked it but whenever I was in the room alone it kinda creeped me out because of the realistic glass eyes it had that appeared to stare into my soul. It later fell from the dresser and the back of the porcelain head was smashed in, which was thankfully easy to hide with the full hair it had, but sometimes the hair would fall off when the dresser shook and it just scared the living daylights out of me to see it bald and just staring blankly forward like that with the broken head and all.