What Scares You the Most?

my villagers moving out (except deirdre), corruption and having things stolen from me. also carelessly putting stuffs on the spot where NPCs will place their tents at.
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For trivial stuff, I'll have to say the mosquitoes. When they bite my character and I have my sound up, my body does a mini jump. :( I hope that makes sense lol.
It always catches me by surprise and I HATE IT! Which is also why I hate a certain room in the museum. Yep. The one with the mosquito flying around and it can bite you whenever. Like sheesh, leave me in peace! I didn't donate you so that you could fly around freely (a.k.a. chase me everywhere I go) while I'm trying to relax and check out bugs. -w-

For serious stuff, I don't know if I can mention it directly, but back in WW people could go in your town if you trusted them and then corrupt your game through a certain action of theirs. Some people who unfortunately play AC really enjoy ruining other people's fun. Naive, nice people, at that. You know, people who are kind enough to let you into their town. ._.
Makes no sense to me and it kinda saddens me. :'c
when isabelle is loading my town and then says "Oh thats right! Um Mayor Chrys?" instead of the usual "okay all set, have a nice day!"

I always panic and think one of my dreamies is moving but its usually a fishing tournament or something lol.
when isabelle is loading my town and then says "Oh thats right! Um Mayor Chrys?" instead of the usual "okay all set, have a nice day!"

I always panic and think one of my dreamies is moving but its usually a fishing tournament or something lol.

hehe yeah that made me so FRICKIN nervous.... turned out it was only clyde :p
I've only had the game for about three months and already lost two of my favorite villagers because I just didn't know they were moving till it was to lat. It also used to worry me but now I just see it as the chance of finding someone new, there's still some villagers I'd be sad to lose so I try to be more vigilant now.
For me it's still every time a bee's hive drops! Even when I'm looking for them it still makes my heart jump! Plus I usually fumble and end up getting stung anywho haha! xD Also my villagers leaving me, I get so attached to them so easily and even more so my dreamies that I worked to get either from here or in my campsite.
like many people here, im scared of seeing my dreamies move out and my town getting corrupted. acnl has been very glitchy for me lately as well, so i always get a feeling that my save data could corrupt at any second. it doesnt help ive only had acnl for four months.

that, and the mouth of truth. that piece of furniture looks creepy. ;n;
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Losing any one of my "cherished 10", only had them everyday for 2 1/2 years! Really, I still play daily, and keep all 10 still- I don't want to give them up, I love all 10 at this point! Same goes with my JP NL town. Guess I'll have to forever play it! ;p
Oh definitely losing my dreamies! That thought really scares/worries me.
I'm paranoid about going around them each several times a day and making sure I've seen and spoken to everybody at least once so I can reassure myself they won't leave.
I'm always reassured when one of them does actually ping to leave as it means nobody else will be going without me knowing about it.
Ok, well I wasn't scared of my game corrupting until I read this thread. THANKS GUYS lol!

Off to look up tips to prevent it!

Honestly I don't find anything that is actually in the game scary. Pitfalls/jellyfish/etc are just annoying. I agree accidentally losing a villager would be the pits, but I play too often to worry about that.
I always get paranoid when plot resetting. I've only ever heard rumors that it can corrupt your game but never any real stories, but it still freaks me out.
Walt. He was in my town when I started and couldn't stand him. My biggest fear is he will come back and walk around my town with his mean mug. He is a major Yikes!! And hard to get rid of:(
The thought of accidentally restarting one of my AC towns.

Edit: Actually, the thought of my data being corrupted and HAVING to restart. At least accidentally restarting would just be a stupid mistake on my part, whereas with corrupted data there's nothing I can do about it.
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Dear God, I have a huge fear of tarantulas... so them being in this game is really bad for me!!
Data corruption
Losing a dreamie
A dreamie plotting in a bad spot
Having your town wrecked by a stranger and then they end up giving you a bad rating.