What schedule is best for schools?


Apple Imperialist
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Here in the United States, the school year usually begins in mid to late August and ends at the end of May, with about two weeks off for Christmas and one week off for the first day of spring. We also go to school seven hours a day, five days a week, and get both Saturdays and Sundays off. Although this model worked well for a long time, how would you change this if you could alter the schedule.

1. What would be a better daily/weekly schedule. More days a week and fewer hours a day, or fewer days a week, but more hours a day? Basically 6 days a week and 6 hours a day, 5 days a week and 7 hours a day, or 4 days a week and 9 hours a day.
2. Would it be better to lump all the school weeks together and have a big vacation in between grades? Or would it be better to have school take place all year with week-long breaks (like 1 to 3 weeks long) after a certain amount of weeks?
3. What other ways would be better to customize the school schedule? Like have them go to school for fewer years, but more days a year, or add recess in middle school?
Since school for us starts around 7-8am in the morning on weekdays, why can't school start at noon and end at 6pm? That way we could get enough sleep for tests/exams for the next day
lets say all schools should start at 9 am and end at 2:30 pm and next most school years should start on September 2nd and end at April 27th.

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also no school days on Friday at all
School would be better if it was a little later. I remember when going to college I adjusted it so my classes started later solely on how during high school I practically slept for the first period. Every thing was so much better as I finally had more sleep, and the ability to actually have breakfast allowing me to be more intentative.
Speaking from the point of view of someone who works with a lot of parents, on their behalf I know that they prefer school being 5 days a week. On days when school is out and they still have to work, it can be difficult for them to get childcare. By the time you get to high school and are old enough to look after yourself, though, I think it would be nice if your classes could mimic college a little bit. That way people who don't want to get up early in the morning could sign up for later classes and those who like mornings could keep their early classes. Depending on your classes, you could shorten or extend your school day or week. I think it would help a lot of students learn to manage their time as well as give them options which are very important for teenagers to begin to experience some freedom.

I also like the idea of splitting the school year into two or four segments with either a summer and winter break of about equal length or a 2-3 week break each season. Breaks are important and spacing them out makes better use of time, in my opinion. Plus, being out of school for so long in the summer makes it harder to get back in the routine when school starts back up.
I like what Lady Destani said about having school in 2 or 4 segments, which would mean school all year long but we get longer breaks, not to mention already given days off for stuff like holidays, or early release days. Plus the school I went to also has a no school day the day after grades for report cards close so teachers can have time to actually grade stuff and put in grades.

In terms of starting time, even starting an hour later (school starts at 8am here) would be better. I was always told to wake up at 6am for school despite the fact I didn't need to wake up 2 hours early. It was so unnecessary. Having school start and in turn end even an hour later I think would be better in the long run anyway.
I definitely think having classes start later would help, especially in grade school and high school. Kids are so tired when they get to school, I didn't start paying attention in high school until midway through first period. And I know I would have much rather had less summer and space out the breaks throughout the entire year. Summer is great and all, but I don't want my only time off to be two months where it's going to be unbearably hot and I'm just going to want to spend the day inside anyway.
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I actually had to give a persuasive speech on this in 9th grade. While doing research on it, I found that I personally would have liked the year round schooling better. Your breaks are spread out evenly so you feel like you get longer breaks and more of them. And also it helps with the "brain drain" students get over summer break where they forget things.
My old school schedule is kinda like yours. School started at 8am and end at 2:30pm and we did that all five days of the week from Monday to Friday. We had Fall break and Winter break along with Spring break. We had weekends off too. It was a pretty good schedule and I probably wouldn't change it. I do have to admit, I had to get up two hours early and I was always tired though. :/
I actually had to give a persuasive speech on this in 9th grade. While doing research on it, I found that I personally would have liked the year round schooling better. Your breaks are spread out evenly so you feel like you get longer breaks and more of them. And also it helps with the "brain drain" students get over summer break where they forget things.

While it may be better on paper, I think the main problem with the year long schooling schedule is mental health. At one point you just get burned out and miserable in this endless cycle of school. Sure you forget things over winter break/summer, but would you really sacrifice those at the price of your student's mental health?