What series are you currently watching?

I just finished watching season 1 of What We Do in the Shadows. It was really funny and enjoyable. If you like silly humor like the Office or the It Crowd and vampires, I suggest checking it out.
I want to watch Yugioh gx season 4 to finish watching the gx series. Then I wanna give 5ds another chance (and maybe Zexal) because the first time I tried watching it, I thought it was incredibly boring and Yusei and his rival were too similar to Yami and Kaiba, so I quit after 5 episodes maybe?
Tried "Sons of Anarchy", but I already hate every single character to death..
so unless my boyfriend wants me to nonstop complain about them, I don't
think that we will continue it.. :D
Working my way through The Mindy Project atm. Taking a brief pause from The Office and Brooklyn Nine Nine.
I've been watching Aggretsuko on Netflix! Such a good show ... ☆
Currently Watching Star Trek The Next Generation and I am on Season 6!
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The dark crystal age of resistance. I cannot overstate how much of a masterpiece this is in every conceivable way. Jim Henson would be proud
Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the city. It's so relaxing, and it's helpful insight for the summer I'm going to be spending abroad in Japan this year.
My family and I are currently watching NCIS and we have been watching it over again all the way from the middle season to the end season. Didn't start in the beginning because we liked the middle season to the end season better. It's a really good series. :)
On Becoming a God in Central Florida.
I really like it so far.
I finally finished up the most recent seasons of the Arrow, Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow on Netflix. Today I started The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. It is so beautiful and I can't wait to watch more of it.
Just binged the entire 3 seasons of Money Heist since i'm off work the last few days! Nearly binned it off due to AWFUL english dub (over the original spanish), but the story was really entertaining.
Ru Paul's Drag Race UK

I've heard people talking about this show for ages but never seen it.