Acronym Definition
BTB Back To Basics
BTB Business to Business (usually seen as B2B)
BTB Back-To-Back
BTB believed-to-be (US DoD)
BTB Branch Target Buffer
BTB Bad Taste Bear(s)
BTB Belize Tourism Board
BTB Bob the Builder (cartoon)
BTB Body to Body
BTB Bite the Bullet
BTB Breakthrough Bleeding
BTB By the Book
BTB Big Team Battle (Halo 2)
BTB Bumper to Bumper
BTB Bride to Be
BTB Banca di Trento E Bolzano (Italian bank)
BTB Between the Buttons (Rolling Stones album)
BTB Below the Belt
BTB Beyond the Bell
BTB Brigade Troops Battalion (US Army)
BTB Beating the Blues (UK)
BTB Bouchon de Tir ? Blanc (French: Blank Firing Cap)
BTB Back to Business
BTB Back to Base
BTB Bring That Booty
BTB Book-To-Bill
BTB Bric-a-Brac, Tramtrack, Broad-complex (domain)
BTB Beyond the Beyond (game)
BTB Bay to Breakers (annual footrace; San Francisco, CA)
BTB Boeuf de Tradition Bouch?re (French: Traditional Beef Butcher)
BTB Big Ten Burrito (Ann Arbor, MI)
BTB Beyond the Breakers (offshore fishing)
BTB Bus Tie Breaker
BTB By The By
BTB Bridge to Bridge (ship to ship communications)
BTB Basic Test Battery
BTB Bromethymol Blue
BTB Before the Bang (period just before the Big Bang)
BTB British Tourism Board
BTB Beyond the Body
BTB Belgische Transportarbeiders Bond
BTB Beno?t Tapis Brosse (French carpet supplier)
BTB Bad'in Town Bezak (French badminton club)
BTB Better Than Beer
BTB Burton Third Bombers (dorm residents; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, MA)
BTB British Tourist Board
BTB Body Tune Box (magnetic resonance imaging)
BTB Blind Transmission Broadcast (clandestine communications)
BTB Brett Taylor Bailey (foundation)
BTB Big Town Bucks (online business)
BTB Beyond the Barre (est. 1999; Canada; dance studio)
BTB Board Technical Bulletin (scientology)
BTB Botswana Tourism Board (est. 2004)
BTB Break the Barriers
BTB Bob's Track Builder (gaming software)