What sneaky personal touches go on your island?

I scatter around bird cages hidden behind trees, because my island is pretty nature-themed and I like to have the sound of birdsong while I'm walking around!

omgosh that's an amazing idea!!

some personal touches on my island:
-i made a shiny celebi shrine, cause i love pokemon and celebi is one of my favorites to use when i used to play competitive battles
-i've also done the thing with the pet bed in my house to make it look like my irl cat is sleeping there, and i also have an umbrella illusion design placed outside my house that looks like a little house with a cat inside that also looks like my kitty ^^
-my computer in my house has the art program design cause i love drawing with my pen tablet
-i have many manga scattered around my house cause i love reading manga!

those are the ones i can think of right now ^^
Since I'm re-designing my island from top to bottom at the moment the only small details I've left are on the pastel sparkles scattered across my beaches, it looks really pretty on the sand and adds a touch of magic without being too noticeable. ✨
Hmmm well I'd like to think that the way my island is decorated is overall unique to me. However I do have a second character right now that is named after my dog who past away a few years ago and is made to look like her. I did this in New Leaf too with my other dog who died when I was in elementary school and was inspired by someone online who did the same with their pet cat.
I have the black and tricolor plush puppy toys in my house, because I have a black dog and a tricolor dog IRL :)
I put solar panels and wind turbines in the tiny rocks at the back end of my island. So, my island is run only with renovable power. Its a small detail not many people notice. But I just love looking at them behind the houses and the scenery.
I have little mom’s plushies spread through my island, which is mainly populated by different dogs. The exception being the two wolves, but I still welcome them.
I don't know if this counts, but I have a lot of custom signs. Some I've made and others I got online. I have this " home sweet home " sign in real life. I really like it and wanted it in front of my a.c. house. My daughter helped me make a replica for my town. I love it, and I like that no one else has it.

I also like using umbrellas in my decor. My bears birthday party has the bear umbrella, and the frog one is in my froggy picnic. I also have watermelon, apple, orange, and pineapple areas and used the matching umbrellas in each area.
I used to put street names along the paths on my island, like "Tricep Lane", "Core Avenue", etc. But I had to remove them because I ran out of custom design slots. Also, that was because my island was fully fitness-themed back then. But even with expanded slots, I don't think I'll put those back.
I have some custom designs that don’t really have to do with my island in a few places. One is the green M&M—my favorite meme. I just think it’s really funny to have things I like displayed in different places.
I have a custom design sand drawing of the doggo from Undertale (officially named Annoying Dog) scattered throughout the sands along my beaches. It's practically unnoticeable unless you see it under certain lightning, hence the custom design's fitting name, "Sneaky sand dog" lolol. It doesn't fit with my island's theme at all, which is why it's the perfect "sneaky" little touch that's nice to have here and there. I love it so much~