What Things Do You Irrationally Hate?


based santa believer
Dec 28, 2018
Gingerbread House
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Red Toy Car
Gift Box
Crystal Reindeer
Red Christmas Stocking
Froggy Snowman
Christmas Candy
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
yayy, another thread!!

so, what things do you have an irrational hate for? i'm curious. :confused:
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Barold. He's the worst. It physically revolts me to look at him.
Not trying to sound too pure and gentle, but I can?t think of anything I actually hate (aside from broad concepts like intolerance or hypocrisy etc)

I will say that I hate touching my own toes?because that?s definitely weird, if not irrational. It?s really difficult for me to put nail polish on, just because feeling the little bones in them makes my stomach flip. >.<
gigantic dogs (some are realllly cooool) i mean marmadukes...

also i hate orange marmalade
I only notice this is customers who speak Spanish as most likely there first language, but, when I ask 'anything else?' and they say yes but they really mean no. Someone for the love of all things holy, explain this to me. I know that Spanish speaking people know what the word 'no' means, so why the **** do they say yes when they should say no?
I hate, hate, hate the sound of a ringing telephone. It triggers panic attacks for me. I change my ring tone to soothing music and even then, I still leave it muted half the time.
Being misunderstood, like having someone misinterpret my words is something that takes me a while to recover from, there's just something that really messes me up about saying something and then having someone else derive completely the wrong meaning from it.
I can't think of anything I irrationally hate, because irrational would imply I don't have good reasoning to hate things and I can pretty accurately say why I hate most things.
I hate touchy people. People at school sometimes touch my hair or poke me and it just ruins my day and I have to pretend like it was nothing but I want to choke them out skskdkdkdfs It doesn't cost a dime to keep your hands to yourself. This is a main reason why I'm too scared to cosplay and go to cons because I've heard horror stories of people getting hugged without consent

Also people watching me draw/eat/write. I have to bring my lunch to the bathroom and just eat and draw in the big stall because the cafeteria is toxic

- - - Post Merge - - -

I just realized these aren't really irrational but they could be
I HATE pusheen it’s so ugly and his paws look like teats

Also hate when people are late, I’d rather be 30 mins early than 2 mins late (depends on the circumstances but it’s usually that way)
-superhero movies. i'm so sick of hearing about them.
-when people unnecessarily bring up politics or religion in an unrelated conversation
-most modern web design & some modern technology. i despise the overly minimalist look.
-dumb baby names
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since Willy Wonka is on it reminded me: Grandpa Joe.

He.is.the.worst. HE COULD WALK THE WHOLE DAMN TIME. HE COULD'VE BEEN WORKING AND HELPING HIS FAMILY BUT nnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. It was his idea to steal the fizzy lifting drinks too! Grandpa Joe is the true villain of Willy Wonka. Change my mind
Empty...boxes....in the CABINETS! And artificial light, I begged to keep the lights off at work today but as it turns out, we need light to see to work.
tuna fish (or just seafood in general)
i'd get so upset when i had to eat it when i was little, id literally make myself sick
also get super scared by snakes, as my mom has always been irrationally afraid of them. i'm not as bad as her but they still freak me out ngl
also, country music. don't @ me
Overwatch/Stardew Valley and some other overly overrated games. I don’t understand them and I don’t want to.

EDIT: Actually, pretty much just PC gaming in general nowadays.
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There are certain internet-isms (as in, ways of talking/phrasing certain things) that have become widely used that really annoy me for zero reason at all. I don't even have any specific examples right now but I know them when I see them.