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What to do?

Stay home or work?

  • Home

    Votes: 37 97.4%
  • Work

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
May 24, 2020
Throwback Tickets
I know this is kind of a serious topic but I kind of need the anonymous nature of this forum for the moment.

so pretty soon I'm going to have to make a serious decision whether or not I am strong enough to go back to work or take a few more days off to recover from covid.

I'm rather torn because I would like to have the days off and I have the vacation days I can use but at the same time I'm wondering if being the responsible thing would be going back to work but I'm also afraid I will work myself too hard and end up right back sick again.

I think I just need some objective opinions.
Doing the responsible thing would be to stay home. You have already gotten sick twice and working yourself to death is not the "right" thing to do. People might tell you we need you as a nurse, but our health care professionals can only sacrifice so much before you sacrifice too much of yourself. I don't wanna think about you getting sick for a 3rd time. I think you should stay home as long as you can afford.
Since this is the 2nd time you've fallen sick, I think taking an extra few days to make sure you're not only over it, but also rested up and physically recovered is a good idea. No one knows how the virus affects people long term, especially if they've fallen ill more than once. I know you want to get back to work and help others, but you can't do that if you aren't feeling well yourself. No one will fault you for taking care of yourself.
For those of you who are saying I need to consult my doctor I have appointment tomorrow. Knowing him he's going to ask me what I want to do based on how I feel
Since this is the 2nd time you've fallen sick, I think taking an extra few days to make sure you're not only over it, but also rested up and physically recovered is a good idea. No one knows how the virus affects people long term, especially if they've fallen ill more than once. I know you want to get back to work and help others, but you can't do that if you aren't feeling well yourself. No one will fault you for taking care of yourself.
I second this. Depending on how you are feeling, I think taking a few extra days just to be sure might actually be the smart and responsible thing to do.
For those of you who are saying I need to consult my doctor I have appointment tomorrow. Knowing him he's going to ask me what I want to do based on how I feel

If that's the case, then I would suggest using some of your vacation days since you have some to use. Not only would it help you personally, as you'll hopefully be in a healthier condition for working, but it's also the more responsible thing to do. If you're still sick, you are probably still able to spread COVID. I don't know what kind of job you have, but it's especially important if you have a lot of co-workers and/or it's a public-facing job where you deal with many different customers.

Edit: That's right, you said in a previous post that you're a registered nurse. Definitely stay home then. You don't want to give COVID to your patients, especially when some may have weaker immune systems or other issues that could make them more likely to have major problems if they get it.
Agreed that it's generally better to stay home, to make sure that your symptoms don't return if nothing else. We definitely need nurses and greatly appreciate the sacrifices that you're willing to make, but it shouldn't come at the expense of your own health.
like everybody else has said, the responsible and probably safest thing to do would be to stay home. nobody will judge you for taking a few extra days off; you’re recovering from a scary and unpredictable virus and rest is important. your health is the #1 most important thing, especially in your line of work, and you can’t take care of anybody else until you are taken care of and recovered. <3
I’m kinda in the same situation just I’ve started having weird symptoms (sore throat, really dizzy/kinda difficult to walk) but I have to work for money. But idk if I should self isolate or if it’s nothing? Eh
You should probably take at least a few days off, to be honest. You've already gotten sick and it will probably be easier to do your best and stay focused once you've fully recovered. It's not going to help anyone if you go back but can't do things well because you're exhausted.
I’m kinda in the same situation just I’ve started having weird symptoms (sore throat, really dizzy/kinda difficult to walk) but I have to work for money. But idk if I should self isolate or if it’s nothing? Eh

I want to preface my response by stating that I'm not a doctor or healthcare professional, and I know that COVID-19 resources/protocol differs wildly depending on where you live in the world.

If you are able, I would absolutely try to get in touch with a healthcare professional with your concerns. In addition, I know some parts of the world offer free/fast COVID-19 testing, and/or as free COVID-19 hotlines where you can speak to a healthcare professional over the phone and websites that provide more information about the virus and what to do from a municipal/state/federal level. Those may be resources you wish to take advantage of.

My gut would be to tell you to self-isolate as much as possible and to contact a health care professional relatively soon, in case you are a symptomatic spreader, but again - your best bet is to contact a professional in your area who can better advise you on this. I understand that work is a factor to consider, but ultimately, if you are indeed sick, it would not be a good idea to potentially spread the virus to other unsuspecting co-workers/clients, especially if they may be high-risk or come in frequent contact with high-risk individuals themselves.
Don't feel guilty about taking more days off, your health is always more important. And you can never be too careful when it comes to covid.
As a fellow nurse, please stay home and take care of yourself. Don't feel guilty at all. I know how hard we work, and even when I'm not ill I feel like I got hit by a truck at the end of those long 12 hours sometimes. If you were my coworker, I'd tell you to 100% take time at home, because I for sure don't want to accidentally get sick - and I know you'd feel awful if you accidentally gave it to anyone you care for. You won't be any good to yourself, your patients, and your coworkers unless you're feeling strong - don't let anyone pressure you into sacrificing yourself more than you already do, ok?

lots of love and if you ever need to chat about animal crossing or just life, my inbox is always open.
feel better soon please. ❤