What Type Of Student Were You?

What Type Of Student Are/Were You?

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The quiet one. I didn't really interact with many of the kids in my school. Mostly it was because many of the kids in my school were really stupid and all they wanted to do was talk and hang out. They never really wanted to shut up and I can't tell you how many times the teachers would get soo mad that they would yell at them. I just stayed quiet and did my school work. :/
Nerd who knew the answers and learned at an accelerated rate but also back-talked teachers religiously. I was a hoot and a holler if you were a classmate, but a pain if you were a teacher because I would have an attitude, slack off and not pay attention but still get correct answers.
I guess "nerd." My superlative was bookworm lol. I was focused on my studies but I wasn't an Ivy Leaguer. . .
I was always the quiet one, mainly because of my shyness. I didn't had so many friends back then and only hanged out with those kids who either had mostly the same interests as me or who were also the quite one in their classes.
From grades 1-8 I was the smart kid. I got along really well with most of the teachers and I usually had the best grades in the class. Once I got to grade five, teachers started putting my in charge of marking other kids' tests or walking around and helping people during class because I always finished my work before everyone else.

In high school, social anxiety set in and I became the quiet kid. I usually sat by myself and didn't talk to anyone. My school would award whoever got the highest average in each grade at the end of the year and in grade 11 I won the prize - and the class was shocked because they had no idea I was smart haha :p
Everyone always thought of me as the "quiet kid" and I absolutely hated it. Even when I tried to connect with the other students, they'd bring it up. I just completely gave up and stopping giving af when I hit High School.

honestly, this was me in elementary. no matter how hard i tried, the label "introverted shy girl" literally stuck with me for years. i really couldn't do anything there.
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I was the class clown. (I wish there was another word for clown other than clown, because I don't like clowns.)

I got along with just about everyone as far as I can remember.
Even the teachers.
I like how this question is in the past tense like I’m still not a student (/cries in postgrad course)

I’m really none of the above, closest would be nerdy but I was more of a fake-it-til-you-make-it kind of student. I’m definitely not nerdy but I guess people think I was bc I had good standings and graduated high honors + *** laude humble flex. In college I literally never cared about my grades until the last two semesters before grad when people started asking me if I was running for latin honors. It was the only time I calculated my grades and apparently I unknowingly racked up just enough high grades the previous semesters for a latin honor. Idk, I never considered myself as smart smart, but I was good at studying smart.

But I guess now in postgrad since everyone’s smart, I’m not “nerdy” anymore lmao. People do see me as artistic though so that’s a plus for the artist type.
Bruv these are just stereotypes

Exactly what I meant in my OP on this thread, loool. Peoples? personalities are way too diverse to be classified into some list like this.
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I really ought to add to this thread again cause my uh... last comment I don't remember being very good.

Kinder-6th grade, I was the smart one. However, I was also the annoying one. I was always talkative, cried at just about everything, and was constantly making noise or drawing or jittering in my seat. People never liked me from day one, I was teased for the things I liked, like Pokemon and MLP, but was also praised at the same time for having Straight A's. I was both the problem child and the gifted child, and neither of those things are good. Expectations were had of me that were not possible.

Middle school is where things went down the drain. Elementary was fine, sure whatever. It was absolutely godawful and I got out with trauma but I was alive. Middle school wouldn't let me draw in class, even though I still had good grades, because it was "distracting," though the teachers causing a scene at it all was the distracting thing. Literally I was bat around for no reason, just because of my previous record, they could pick on me. Eventually got threatened by a girl and they defended her, thats how bad it got. I had to be pulled out of High School cause the cruelty from the teachers continued there. Now I'm 17 and have genuine trauma about this kinda stuff.

This year I found out that I'm ADHD, which explains my literal entire life. Everything bad and good that's happened in it can be traced back to my ADHD. Sure it was mentioned that I might've been autistic or bi-polar (two things I don't doubt nearly as much as I used to), but it was always used as an insult or a way for the school to get funding instead of caring about the child. Thanks American School System :/
I was homeschooled. But if I had to choose, I'd pick the gamer.

Because I love gaming.
Most of my life I was just unschooled (like homeschooling but with less of a strict curriculum and more emphasis on life experinence), but the few years I was a more conventional public school student, I was a combination between "the quiet one" and "the artist".
In high school I was the quiet one. It way way worse when I was in primary school tho, I was painfully shy. But in high school I was just quiet because I didn't feel like talking and didn't have anything interesting to say. Now that I'm way older and a college student I'd say I'm the friendly kid who's more outgoing and open. I like this version of me way better, and I'm happy I worked on myself, to put it like that. ♥
I am the quiet nerd who is also a gamer and artist. I don't talk very much, but when I'm talking to my friends it's usually either about school, art, or gaming. Sadly, my friends aren't nerds, gamers, and some of them don't do art, but somehow we manage to relate to each other.
Having went to an all art school for HS, everyone was very much chill and relaxed. There weren't really any popular kids or nerds. But there were people everyone knew about or liked for one reason or another. I sort of sat in the middle of popular and nerdy, as I simply did not care who I socialized with or became friends with. I was very much an average student, did the work, played hooky etc. Normal HS stuff. College well, all I do is sleep, study and repeat.