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What Uchi is the cutest?

Well I have a lot of favorite uchi's: Paula, Hazel, Katt, Agnes, but I think Fuchsia is the prettiest :)
I always found Mira and Hazel the cutest. :3

And Muffy too! I can't believe I forgot about her..
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Muffy is by far my favorite uchi. She's just so lovable!
She sticks out like a sore thumb in my pastel town (being a black sheep and all haha) but I just can't part with her. Just seeing her walking around town makes me smile.
I like Dierdre. That's just me. Nobody else likes her. ;-;

Phoebe and Sylvia are absolutely beautiful! <3 Shari is very cute!
I like Dierdre. That's just me. Nobody else likes her. ;-;


Hahaha, Frita and I didn't meet on the best of terms (she built her house between me demolishing an old-style bridge and blocked me for ages from rebuilding a better one), but everything about her is hilarious. I love that in HHD she wants her home to be a fast-food restaurant. Is this not cannibalism???
I have Fuchsia and she's my favorite.
If you wanna see her in game visit my dream address.
Just ignore her current outfit. She changed into it and I'm trying to get her to change out of it.
I find Tammy to be the cutest uchi! She's my favourite one. I think she'd fit really well in a cute-themed town from her design too.
Mira and Fuchsia are cute.
I also adore Katt, we're like best friends, but she isn't the most aesthetically pleasing villager.
She's the best! I have her in my first town. Love her little yellow feet.
In my second town I have Fuchsia. She's really cute too.
aww, i just started a new town myself, and intend to make shari a resident!
the fact that she's hardly mentioned when talking about cute uchis honestly baffles me. she has a more girly vibe than most of them and looks more like a typical normal or peppy.

fuchsia is nice too, definitely looks like a bamf.
I personally don't prefer Canberra because of her eyes. :p Fuchsia isn't too bad though. I also like Pashmina, who I think might fit your cute theme! I really love Tammy and Flo but I'm not sure if you think they'll fit your theme. Tammy might, maybe not so much for Flo.
I am also leaning towards Canberra, especially since so far I have liked all the ACNL koalas... and I even kind of like her face :) The unfortunate thing about her is that in German (the language I play in) she shares a name with a person I really dislike which immediately makes her a little less attractive :( I might still try to get her though.

I wish there was a hamster uchi. That would be one of my favorite villagers for sure.

There are many of us who want a hamster uchi!!!! I want one so badly! I'd love the hamster uchi to be BFFs with Soleil - sassy and snooty friends unite!

To fit into your town, personally I find Pashmina, Fuschia, Agnes and Tammy to be the "cutest" uchis we have right now.

wishing you the best whomever you decide on!
In terms of cute uchis? I really like Shari's picture on the wiki, but I've heard she is usually frowning in game.
MIRA! She has a really cool design and a star on the back of her head and her home is really interesting.
For me, it's Canberra!
At first I thought she was kinda ugly, but I've kept her around and she really grew on me. She always gives me medicine when I'm stung by bees and sells me paintings every now and then. She's so adorable when she's thinking XD Plus the thing that gets me the most is, she hides her feelings. When she's sad she changes her expression for .5 seconds into a sad face then goes right back into her normal smiling face.