There's no point in hoping that Pokemon will be on the Switch since the next installments in the main series have already been announced. They
will be on the Switch barring any unforeseen world events.
As for what I'm personally hoping will make it to the Switch? Honestly, not a whole lot since I've grown less interested in most video games over the past few years and don't follow many franchises. Also not very excited at all over that $60 price point after being spoiled for years by the cheap price of 3DS games.
I'm potentially interested in whatever main series Fire Emblem game(s) might come to the Switch if it's more serious and with a competently constructed plot (Echoes, older games) and less cobbled together and full of shipping and fanservice (Awakening and Fates), otherwise I'll likely pass it up. Tangentially related, I'm hoping for GameCube games on the Virtual Console. Among the games I hope would be available would be Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance since the price is ridiculous for a legitimate copy these days and I want it to be more accessible so more people can play it. It would be nice if they bundled it with Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn since Radiant Dawn is its direct sequel kind of like how they sold the Metroid Prime Trilogy bundle on the Wii U.
I'm looking forward to the next installment in the Animal Crossing series if there is one, which there probably should be. Saw someone suggest that it might be far off if it happens at all since the Welcome Amiibo update breathed new life into New Leaf, so we'll see what happens on that front.
There aren't going to be any new Mother/EarthBound games released, but I'd like to see Mother 3 officially released outside of Japan on the Switch. Only if they don't butcher it in the translation process though, since there are some things that some people might not find appropriate. I'd be disappointed if much of anything was changed to make it more palatable for worldwide consumption.
I might like to see a new Luigi's Mansion game, but I kind of gave up on Dark Moon because I wasn't all that interested, so maybe not.
Maybe some Mario sports games? I've been feeling the urge to play a Mario Tennis game recently but I heard the Wii U game, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, isn't that great compared to previous installments in the series.
That's all that I can come up with at the moment. There are probably third party series that I'd be interested in but I've been strictly Nintendo for the past few years and haven't really paid a ton of attention, so nothing else readily comes to mind.
Yes, please.