What villagers do you have on your island?

Hello! :giggle: I’m actually curious what villagers you have on your island. I can’t wait to see who you have!

My Villagers:


These are my villagers🥰
I am keeping:

  • Rocket (was already there when I started) 🦍
  • Hans 🦍
  • Cesar 🦍
  • Tiansheng 🐒
  • Deli 🐒
  • Tucker 😍🦣
I am not keeping:
  • Lionel (had to get him because he was at the camp and the game makes you to :( I feel bad but I don't like him at all)
  • Audie (got her for my girlfriend because she was her favourite but we broke up and now I am stuck 😅)
  • Daisy (one of the first villagers who moved in, couldn't choose, there are other dog villagers I liked from when I played ACWW I would have prefered, with her I feel no connection :()
I am very happy because I only have 3 villagers left to complete my island ❤ Hans, Tiansheng and Cesar were given to me by people in this forum so I am super thankful ❤
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I've shifted a lot of villagers around but my final ten (roughly in order of oldest to newest resident) are:
  1. Cherry
  2. Claude
  3. Audie
  4. Judy
  5. Hamlet
  6. Julian
  7. Phoebe
  8. Sterling
  9. Knox
  10. Joey
My main island I stayed at 8 villagers for a long time. Ranking in current order of favorites:
1. Marshal
2. Wendy
3. Snake
4. Ozzie
5. Miranda
6. Cherry
7. Sylvana
8. Avery
9. Cally is moving in tomorrow
10. -open-

My second island I let auto-fill. Honestly, don't care for many of the villagers, but I play it a lot more than my main lol.
1. Rolf
2. Gala
3. Kody
4. Erik
5. Pashmina
6. Raymond
7. Gayle
8. Violet
9. Plucky
10. Truffles (hate this sow)
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The villagers I have currently are: Sally, Static, Marshal, Hazel, Cally, Sylvana, Claude, Francine, Genji and Sasha.

Everyone is a permanent villager except for Sasha, once he gives me his picture I'm going to replace him with Nibbles, Poppy (again), Ione (again), Ruby or Bonbon (again).
Half of my villagers are permanent: Sterling, Punchy, Bob, Rudy, and Lobo.
Meanwhile, the other half can be anyone. But currently they are: Sasha, Jambette, Azalea, Blaire, and Molly.

I can bring back the rest of my favorite villagers and keep them permanent, but I like to continue meeting new villagers I've never had before.

Judy just moved in today! I've been on the hunt for Marshal since day one though, so if I ever come across him I'll probably move Judy out.
Currently, my lineup is:
  1. Ankha
  2. Audie
  3. Bea
  4. Biskit
  5. Cookie
  6. Daisy
  7. Goldie
  8. Kevin
  9. Lucky
  10. Skye
However, Bea (as much as I love her) is only on my island to get her photo, and Kevin (who I can't wait to get rid of) is only on my island for reactions and to get his photo. My eventual final lineup is going to be:
  1. Ankha
  2. Audie
  3. Biskit
  4. Cherry
  5. Cookie
  6. Daisy
  7. Goldie
  8. Lucky
  9. Skye
  10. Shino
Can you tell I love the dogs? They (and wolves) are my favorite species!
Here are my villagers (in alphabetical order):

- Carmen
- Chadder
- Coach
- Filbert
- Frita
- Peaches
- Poppy
- Spork
- Sprinkle
- Whitney

All of them are permanent and I love them so much. 😊
Here are my villagers (in alphabetical order):

- Carmen
- Chadder
- Coach
- Filbert
- Frita
- Peaches
- Poppy
- Spork
- Sprinkle
- Whitney

All of them are permanent and I love them so much. 😊
I just got Poppy in my village, she’s so precious! I’m loving the squirrel villagers 😊
I have:
Raddles, Cube, Mathilda, Cole, Roscoe , Rodeo, Avery, Nan, Agnes, and Barold.
Frita and Rory were my originals and plan to keep them forever (although I swapped my original Frita out so I could reset her house, right before Nintedo made it a thing... I'm salty lol).
Bunnie because she's been with me... always ♥
Yuka because she was best friends with Frita in New Leaf and now New Horizons.
Portia because I always loved Dalmatians since I was a little girl.
Flurry and Lobo came from a close friend's island, Flurry I asked and Lobo came on his own like fate since I had his amiibo but he decided to come over when my friend visited lol.
Muffy, the same close friend gave me her amiibo because she is a lot like me.
O'Hare has been with me for a while and I liked his little hat and how his house is decorated.
I think I have..
1. Drago
2. Cephalobot
3. Phoebe
4. Lionel
5. Rolf
6. Ken
7. Dotty
8. Lucky
9. Stitches
10. Sherb
I currently have:
Ankha, Annalisa, Bella, Klaus, Paula, Pekoe, Ribbot, Rio, Tucker, and Vic

I plan to replace Pekoe with Tiansheng, Ribbot with Cephalobot, and Paula with Plucky. I'm waiting to get Paula and Pekoe's photos before sending them off, but I have Ribbot's photo already so I just need to get around to it. I haven't yet since I hadn't been playing regularly for numerous months until the Fair event here on the forums got me back into playing.
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My villagers are:

- Coco
- Sasha
- Shino
- Diana
- Deidre
- Ione
- Pecan
- Marshal
- Whitney
- Chief

They're mainly through collecting amiibo cards after I found hunting and trading for villagers too taxing, I also don't plan on changing them ever as they all suit my island theme perfectly.
I'm still rather new to the game, so don't have ten villagers yet. Bam and Mira were my starting two, and I think I got pretty dang lucky honestly. I currently have;

Apple (Love her, very sweet and fun)
Bam (Probably my 2nd all time favourite villager. Love everything about this guy)
Big Top (Fun character, I do think he's rather underrated)
Gayle (Love her. Absolute joy to have. Such a sweet character)
Leopold (Get this guy off my island, seriously. He's a jerk, and I want him gone asap)
Mira (Love her as well. Great design, great personality. Just a really fun character)
Murphy (Get him off my island as well LOL. He just moved in and I already don't like him)
i used to keep track of every villager i had and when they were moved out + replaced, but lately ive just been too lazy to move anyone out because i dont want to go through the process of finding someone to replace them. for the most part i like all of my villagers atm:
stitches (these are all a given)
I changed most of the villagers on Serenity. So now I have :

My villagers in New Horizons are: Bettina, Genji, Greta, Static, Bunnie, Zucker, Anicotti, Toby, Felicity and, Fuchsia! I love all of them and their colorful personalities! :D