What was your favorite age?

Each age has it's own struggles that I'm not sure I'd like to relive again so I'm happy where I currently am at 20 and am excited to see what the rest of my life is like
man idk
definitely like 5-7 years old bc I feel like I had such a creative mind and could just make up all these random games to play with my brother/friends and never get bored

then again, I've been doing some reflection and although I still have a long ways to go in terms of being 100% confident and happy I feel much better mentality wise then I did in middle school/early high school. I dropped the toxic friends who would emotionally abuse me and make me their little puppet, I got my grades up and was more organized, I found a 10/10 friend group, I got into my dream college when my parents and college advisor told me it'd be a reach, and now im sorta just vibing. The only issues im currently having is over thinking and body image issues, so I recognize it'll take a lot of effort on my end to work on those things bc it's not as easy as dropping a friend or working for a certain grade.
I'm lucky enough to say I thoroughly enjoyed every year of my existence so far. If I had to get stuck on an age forever though... I'd say 8 maybe? Had a lot of friends, money wasn't short, I wasn't neck deep in worrying about financial security... ah, good times.
5th grade (when I was 11) was the absolute best year of my life. I was an innocent kid who didn't know I was about to lose every friend I'd ever made. Sometimes I imagine me time-traveling back into the past and telling my younger self about what was coming, and I know younger me would be confused, because I didn't know how terrible the real world is
7, in 1992. I had a very happy younger childhood. It was nice to be carefree and not know anything of the deeper problems of the world (which I certainly do now as an adult). Almost everything at age 7 was new, fascinating, fun.
i’m surprised my dumbas hasn’t died yet - honestly how will my other ages treat me when i’ve already lived through my favorite age o-o

honestly though, probably when i was 10 and oblivious to literally everything and didn’t even question how i was born - and now we have 10yr olds now knowing every detail of how babies are made lmao
Honestly, I most enjoyed last year. Best year of my life, and I was 29 for the second half of it.
Best and worst to be fair...
I really liked age 9 for some reason. Like when I think back, that was a fun year and I have lots of vivid memories from then even though it’s been years and years. Think it was because that was before all the more time consuming academics.

I also loved my college years so 18-21. Very different memories from 9 haha.
I loved the couple of years from around 19 to 21. It felt like everything just clicked into place - family, friends, classes, social life. I got to travel for the first time. I built some confidence and discovered a lot about the world and my place in it. I really miss that stuff ^^
Well my life seems to get significantly better the older I get so I have a feeling that my favorite age will be somewhere down the line :)
I loved being 18 because I was more confident and had a better mind set. I also was more fit lol
Pretty much every age from 0-9 was great for me, especially ages 4-9. I was blissfully unaware of the world around me, and I could get along with almost anyone. Some people who are much older than myself are still like that, and I’m incredibly envious. Pretty much everything went downhill once I turned 10.
19 was probably the best of times for me. I was naive, and thought the world was generally good. I was working the longest hours, partying every night, getting very little sleep, but I was fine with it...because, everything else seemed good.

That didn't last. Lol.