What was your first amiibo(s)?

My first amiibo's were Callie and Marie. I got Callie for a birthday present from my Mum, as like an extra thing because I didn't want much. Then I got Marie from my brother, bc you can't have Callie without Marie tbh. The only use i've really gotten out of them since getting them is in New leaf and a tiny bit in splatoon. They don't do much, tbqh but they're still pretty neat.
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I think it was either Silver Mario or Toad. Both were being bought to be used in Mario party 10.
Technically the first amiibo a bought was the Villager Super Smash Bros. figure, but I sold it once it was worth over $100. The first figure a bought and kept was the Lucas Super Smash Bros. figure.
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was not purposely to bump an old post but i couldn't help it when i saw some interesting topic that i am related since i was long gone so long

My first was KK slider and Kapp'n then toon link, but i has stopped to get any because i wasn't interested on amiibo and i bought these 3 because it was on sales and their design is nice XD
My first amiibo were Link, Pikachu and Villager at release :)

My first card was Sable from the HHD bundle.
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I got Link and Samus at the midnight release for Smash Bros. Haven't been able to get all of them, though there are only a few that I really want that I can't get.
Mario SMB series that I got bundled with Mario Party 10. the game is gathering dust on the shelf while the amiibo is still being used.
I believe my first amiibo was Mario from that Mario party game no one likes to talk about.
Mabel! My friend bought her for me on clearance and it was all downhill from there. I've got an ever-increasing amiibo collection now.