What was your first animal crossing town name???

I can't remember mine (it mustn't have been that good), but my neighbour named his WW town 'vet' because he didn't understand the question. He ended up playing it really seriously, with fully upgraded house, full museum, etc.
My first town was rqqwws for the gamecube lol. I was too impatient with names so I just typed that in. My second gc town was called Jotetown and it's the one I used the most.
My first town name was Laputa, which was all the way back on the GC version of the game
Villager "Die" moved into "Shoot Me" back in 2002. Too bad that town lasted a good 10 years before I changed the names to normal names!
Since my wild world was technically MY fist town, the name was Heaven. Been using the name for all of my towns until 2015, and that was my final town of Heaven. Since I wanted a fresh start, I changed the town from Heaven to Haven. I wanted it to be similar in ways, and have parts of my old town, but I still wanted it to be new.

Anyways, I can't remember the name of the first town my family had, but it was on the GC game, and we all shared it.
I have only played New Leaf and it was a second-hand game that my best friend gave me as a present, so I decided to continue the town she had started. She called it like the game, New Leaf (not very original, I know) but I didn't mind at all, so...

Also, I had put a lot of work in MY town over these few years, and have no intention of starting anew anytime soon, but the year I do... I surely will think about a great name for a long while, ha ha ha! :)
Amyville. I've kept it the same in every game. I'm glad my name's short so I can fit it in a town name, lol.
It took me three days to come up with.. i was ... 16? I named it Murmurs.
Hmmm I think it was like wildlife or something, from when I played wild world...
I'm not entirely sure.
I know my first animal crossing new leaf town was called ponybert and I know my first smug was chadder....
Tree was the name of my first animal crossing town. Don't ask why. I was eight years old and had no better name. Well, maybe there was but it didn't come to me then.
I don't really remember but back in the days of WW I used to name my towns dogtown and cattown (or something along those lines)
Maple, I remember when I built the campsite and it was like 'Maple's Campsite', and I was like, wtf where's the igloo I don't see no Maple camping here. v bright moment
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