What was your first town?


Untitled Goose Villager
Mar 14, 2013
Blue Hybrid Pansy
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Easter Egg
Togepi Easter Egg
Red Candy
Dusty Scroll
Ancient Lantern
Yellow Candy
I first played Animal Crossing on the GC. I couldn't think of a town name so I "temporarily" named it WER, because I thought you could rename it, silly me :p I remember my favorite villager was a pink elephant named Paolo.
My first animal crossing game was actually Wild World, I saw one of my friends playing it in 5th grade and thought it looked fun so I bought it. I can still remember my first town name, Lalaland, and my character was named Sabrina, which is my name. I can also even remember some of my very first villagers, Melba and Peewee where two of them.
My very first town for Animal Crossing was called Red Hot. I then called my main character as Mario, and got his green eyes. I created that town back in October 13th 2003 (which was Explorer's Day). I remember I would often get stung by bees, never getting any of the gold tools, and getting owned too many times during Halloween. I was too clueless on what to do in this game, so the secrets mostly go unnoticed for me.
My first town was in Wild World, I named it Africa because I thought that it would actually look like Africa.
My first Animal Crossing was on Gamecube.
I lent the game at my cousin, and she have called the town "Touvil".
It remained the same in all versions.
I cant remember, I got it when it came out when I was like 6 or 7 or something. It might have been the name of the town I live in, I dont know.
My first town was in WW, I can't remember the name of it though...I don't even remember the name of my CF town. I have a terrible memory for those types of things.
My first town was Sunville, created the day Population Growing was released. It was a three tier town, the fruit was pears. My first villagers I remember were Boots, Egbert, Kitty, Camofrog, and Gabi. I can still remember the layout pretty well. I had the town for so many years and then one summer I stupidly deleted it and lost all the memories that went with it.

Kitty lived in Acre B2, right next to the river. Pecan moved in there with her after a while of playing and they wound up being my fashion friends. They always wore the same outfit: usually a pattern I made. Egbert lived in C3, right under my house. He reminded me of my uncle, lazy and fat. xD Gabi lived in one of the acres south of Egbert on the second tier of town. Camofrog lived right under the Museum and just north of the fountain. He was my character's dad figure for some reason. Boots lived on the beach. Everyone except Gabi stayed in the town until the day I deleted the town. Other villagers who moved in who were dear to my heart were Carrie, Wart Jr., and Savannah.
My first town was on CF, on Christmas of 2008. I can't say the name, since it's the neighborhood that I live in now, but I remember the map almost perfectly. And, I had the perfect house- right by the Gate and Nook's! The first neighbor I met was Pompom... she stayed in my town until the day I reset the game and started a new town.

My first town was in Wild World, I named it Africa because I thought that it would actually look like Africa.
My cousins did that with their first town- they named it Alaska because they thought it would get them snow all year round. xD
My sister got this game after I got a Gamecube for Christmas.
I didn't like it and thought it was a kid game and the graphics sucked (even though I was 12), but my sister loved it.
She started showing us the game and we fell in love, and me, my older sister, and brother started playing it. It was the perfect amount of houses.

Anyway, I believe the town's name was Inuyasha (that being a popular anime at the time), and I remember the funny crap we would leave on the bulletin to each other XD.

Those were great years of my life. I miss getting to do that with them
Oh my god, my first town name...

I started playing Animal Crossing for the Gamecube, and I was really into music (as I still am today) and I wanted to name it something music related. I WANTED to name it CD Town, but it ended up as SD Twon. How that happened I have no idea but I didn't even think about it until my older brother pointed it out months later and laughed at me.

You'd think an 8 year old would be able to spell CD and Town, apparently not.
I deleted my town several times on Gamecube. It was always something unoriginal or an actual place. I believe my last town/or the one I made the most progress with was Hawaii.

I'm being serious.


I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed back then. Apparently I thought if I said airport, I'd go to the airport.
