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What were/are your favourite school subjects? Do they still reflect your current interests?

What were/are your favourite elementary/high school subjects?

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Mar 23, 2021
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Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
I did a quick forum search and found a couple of similar threads, but they’re old and inactive, so tell me…

What were/are your favourite subjects from elementary or high school?
If you went to university (or similar), did those subjects relate to your higher studies?
Do your favourite school subjects still reflect your current interests, or have you found new/different interests?

I couldn’t include all of the options in the poll, but hopefully there’s a good variety, sorry! (edit: forgot to add woodworking/metalworking. Sorry friendos.)​
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Loved English and history in elementary, middle, and high school. As for university, business was my favorite subject and is what I majored in. I still find it very fascinating to learn about, not to mention practical. :)
Hmm, I’m realising that my interests changed quite a bit over time. I was interested in basically everything* at some point across high school, except science. Now I love biology. Go figure.

*My definition of everything: English, mathematics, visual arts, music, social studies, foreign language, geography, food technology, computer science, design and technology, metal and woodworking.
english, foreign language, and math were my favorite subjects growing up. i studied english literature at university & took quite a few math courses as well.
My two favourite subjects from high school was art and cooking (they have cooking class at my high school). I'd say they still reflect my current interests because I still draw and that I cook for my family from time to time.
My favorite class was English. My teachers were so kind and amazing and really nurtured my love for literary analysis. I ended up doing a major in English because of how positively they influenced my life!

My high school also had an amazing art program where you could learn jewelry making (with grinders and welding tools!!) and film photography. I took film photo for two years and it made going to school so much more bearable. I'd chill out in the dark room and roll film and hearing and feeling the little clicks as the film fit onto the reel was easily one of the calmest and most peaceful moments in high school.
I'm still in high school, so I don't know if my interests will change, but I love math and science classes the best. I especially love astronomy, so when we did a semester on that in middle school I loved it. For math my favorite is usually algebra but I liked geometry too.
I liked a few subjects, but English was my ultimate favourite and the subject I was always strongest in without making much effort. I was especially good at (and enjoyed) creative writing.

Now I work in screenwriting.
i guess i liked english a bit... i wasn't very good at math, though...
I never really cared for these subjects because when I was in school I was taken my schoolwork very seriously. I would study all the time preparing for tests no matter what subjects I have to do. The one I hated the most is Math. I mean seriously in High School I had to learn Algebra and Geometry. I mean seriously back in middle school they told me "Oh you should not use a Calculator because thats cheating" but then in High school they tell me that its okay to use it, but you have to show your work.

Let me just say I hate doing this. I have to use so many blank sheets of paper just to show my Math work and it was really painful. I have to memorize what I'm learning just to pass the math test. It gave me a massive headache and thank goodness I don't have to worry about doing math ever again. Sorry about that rant, but I really didn't like Math.
my favorite subject is english! it’s always been my strong suit ever since elementary.
i didn't actually have one. maybe PE, if anything, but i wouldn't say it was my favorite, and it really depended on what we were doing. i hated hockey and wasn't keen on trampolining (who wants to be watched bouncing?) but i loved netball, relay and dodgeball, for example.

i did have a hyperfixation on geography when i was 15, but something my teacher did at the end of the year well and truly destroyed my view/love for it. i had no interest in it after, although i probably would've gotten bored of it eventually anyway -- hyperfixations are never permanent for me -- so it was probably for the best.

for the most part, i just liked/tolerated subjects? i hated history though. didn't care for business either. (probably shouldn't have picked them as GCSE subjects, but at least i passed lmao.) or music, but that was an optional subject after Y8 that i didn't choose, and i dropped out of the choir soon after.
Mostly science and space related things. Even though it was just at high school level and 2-3h a week, I really enjoyed everything space related. I still often come across lectures & documentaries and just space (hehe, pun) out. 🚀
I had a strong distaste for school, so I’m glad to be graduated. My favorite school subject was definitely math, but during school, I had no plans of furthering my education. My plan was to work and travel.

I was in advanced math classes, while my grades in other classes were mediocre at best. My main interest was graduating so I could start experiencing more of life. I value experiencing things over sitting in school reading about those same things.

My least favorite class was gym or lunch. First of all, gym was terrible. I don’t know what type of gym classes y’all had where you were playing hockey, but mine consisted of running and swimming. Hockey would’ve been a dream, and I can’t believe some of y’all were doing that. I couldn’t stand lunch either. I would go to the library by myself in sit there. The crowded cafeteria was super uncomfortable and my lack of any friends made it even worse. I think my lack of friends was due to my obscure interests and going through each day just to get closer to graduation. I didn’t like the idea of college. For some reason, I just happened to be very good at math. I’m probably a bit rusty now, though, because I graduated back in 2016.
i got called out so i guess i have to actually write an answer 😅

Computer science and math for me!

I've always liked math since elementary school, though I didn't pursue it much in university. I do still like it, though, especially applications of math (statistics, physics, applications in computer graphics, etc.)!

Computer science is something I tried out in high school and I liked it quite a lot! So I pursued it in university / graduate school, and now it's what I currently work in. I find it fun and practical, so I like it.

On the other hand: I really didn't like learning languages in school, but I really like them now! I think it was mostly just due to the teachers I had, since I had some (very petty) personal gripes with them.
history and law were my favourite subjects bc i was always really interested in what i'd learn in them, you can't really do much with them though so i switched into computer work for my post hs career.
English Literature and History, those were the two subjects I was best at, and I went on to do both alongside Politics for my A-Levels in Sixth Form College. I guess they still reflect my current interests since I'm going to start History at university later this month.
I loooooved computer classes in school and I still do today! There was something nice about being behind a screen vs in a classroom at a desk. And also I just enjoyed the actual subject matter. I took a lot of them in high school.
It was really difficult to choose only three, so here are my top five favorite subjects in order:

1. English - I always loved English classes, whether it was reading, writing, or breaking down the language structure. If I had gone to college, I would have majored in English Literature and pursued Creative Writing. Those are still my passions today.

2. History - I think learning about ancient cultures is fun and there's a lot that we can learn from things that happened in the past. I still enjoy watching historical documentaries and historical fiction is one of my favorite genres of books, TV, and movies.

3. Acting - As a shy, nervous, introvert, this one doesn't make a lot of sense to people who know me, but I tried out and received roles in multiple school plays throughout elementary and middle school. In high school, I took three years of acting classes. I think it worked for me because when I was playing a character, I wasn't myself so I didn't feel so nervous. I also loved my drama teacher in high school. He was really easy-going and my friends and I pretty much had the run of the school during that period. The last two years, we got to write and direct a one-act play for our exams, so that tied into my love of writing.

4. Foreign Language - I debated between this and Computer Science, but ultimately decided to put this one ahead. I love learning about linguistics in general, not just English. Learning how a different language functions is so satisfying for me. I took 5 years of Spanish in school and I am still working on learning languages in my spare time now. I'm currently working on Japanese but would also like to learn Dutch because that's my ancestry.

5. Computer Science - I love computers and I currently work in IT now. While my job does get on my nerves, it's mostly because of all the stress and interruptions. When I actually get to sit down and do my job quietly, I find it rather enjoyable and it's extremely satisfying when I figure out an issue.