What were/are your favourite school subjects? Do they still reflect your current interests?

What were/are your favourite elementary/high school subjects?

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Mathematics, Music, and (Physical) Science. I'm currently taking a math class and I might make mathematics my major, and music is one of my main hobbies.
English was always my favorite growing up. In high school I also liked biology and the earth sciences and some art classes (painting, ceramics, printmaking). I wound up majoring in biology and I stuck with it because I wanted to work with animals, and I really love my studies, though I wish I had the opportunity to take more literature and art classes since my interests there haven't really changed.
I always liked English, history, and science, but I didn't like doing them in school. History class way too often wanted you to memorize exact dates (which I'm bad at) and the random caption that was put under a picture in text books. Isn't the event that happened most important of all? Why aren't you asking me about that in tests? And so many people end up hating reading because English class makes them read Shakespearean plays or classic books that they have no interest in or may barely even understand because it's using old English. Reading is a lot of fun if you read books you like!

I enjoy those things a lot more as an adult when I can learn things for fun and don't have the pressure of tests or classwork or class discussions behind them.
i’m embarrassingly lol still in high school and for as long as i can remember, my favourite school subject has always been english! writing has been my biggest passion and incredibly therapeutic for me ever since my elementary days, so naturally i’ve always been a huge fan of english class as well! granted, i’m definitely not particularly fond of having to write essays lol, but i love everything else! i love getting to read and analyze stories that i probably would’ve never picked up otherwise, getting critiques on my writings and advice on how to improve from my teachers, etc. i’ve also noticed that my english teachers always seem to be more unique than any teachers that i’ve had for other subjects, which definitely helps make english more interesting to me as well aha.

my second favourite subject/class has to be photography, which i think would fall under the “art” category. i’ve only ever taken photography class once, but i really enjoyed it! it was such a chill and laidback classroom, and the assignments honestly didn’t even feel like assignments! photography is another passion of mine, so i really liked that class a lot. my teacher actually even displayed some of my photographs on the wall, which was super nice to see and made me feel pretty proud. :’)

i also enjoy math a bit, but only when i can understand it tbh LOL. when i actually understand what’s going on and how to use formulas correctly, i actually enjoy doing math a lot! my 11th grade math teacher was also one of the best teachers that i’ve ever had and he definitely helped to make the subject more understandable and enjoyable for me!
English was always a favourite of mine all throu out my school years cause I liked to read and write. I almost always had my head in a book throu middle school and would constantly write for my self in high school (creative fiction writing for like novels and stuff). I really don't read anymore. It's not that I don't like to read, I still love it, but I don't go to the library to check out new books, even manga or comic books. I still do write for myself, not nearly as much as I did in high school, but still quite a bit at a time. I'm constantly thinking of new things to write.

I always liked art as a kid, even thou I wasn't good at it. I never took the elective in high school thou since I would have to go throu Art I, and that class was full of filler kids there to just get the elective credit. I felt like I wouldn't be able to learn any essentials so I never took the class. I did occasionally draw in high school, but it was never anythin serious to actually learn how to art, it was just stuff I thought was cool so I tried to copy it. I would draw things like trees and flowers in ledpen since I didn't have actual drawing pencils. Honestly I think I did decent for only using a ledpen to shade and such. Nowadays I still don't draw to learn, I draw for fun, cause doing studies is boring. Plus, I'm still very stuck in the mentality of 'everythin I do must be fully coloured and be a finished complete masterpiece'🙃. I draw things I like, like flowers or fanart.

I also chose other cause I always had an interest for animal studies. My high school had a program where you took care of actual animals, but I was never able to get in until my senior year. That year I took care of the goats and sheep, which was the class I always looked forward to the most. It was even better that it was my first class of the day, so I got to say hi to cuties first thing in the morning. I still remember when a kid said that he has never seen me smile before as I did when I was petting the one goats😅😬
I wasn't able to get a certification either since I had to be in the class for 2 years. After high school I didn't do anythin with animals till I got the job I have now. Thou it's not really 'working' with animals like a vet or primary care giver. I blow dry dogs at a groomers, so I'm still around dogs all day.

Another 'other' interest was culinary. I took all 5 years (Culinary class had 5 courses, course 2 & 3 were in one year and course 4 & 5 were in another year) and for my senior year I was a culinary teachers assistant so I could still do culinary things. I thought I wanted to be a pastry chef as my career path in life, so I took every single culinary course my school offered, did every culinary catering event, both on school and off, I even got 2 certifications proving I know what I'm doing and got a good grade on both, so close to an A. After high school I got a job in a bakery department of a grocery store with the intention of working my way up to be a pastry/baking chef *and* cake decorator. I was really into it.

Boy that did not work.

I ended up hating the job and it gave me depression, which pretty much killed all motivation to further my life in that field. Despite my trying to always tryin to learn how to bake and decorate, always taking every opportunity to do any new task, even as mundane as doing set ups on a tray, despite me saying to both my managers I have an interest in being the jack of all trades in that department, wanting to be able to do it all, (baking, decorating and front service) my manager stuck me as front service closer cause I was good at it. He basically promoted someone above me who was brand spanking new to that department and has zero culinary experience. I had 4 high school years and 2 certifications. He only did this cause he was friends with that kids dad, and the dad said he wants his son to learn a skill cause he thinks the kid will get no where in life. I knew how to do cookie set ups and what time and oven to bake them in, I could do sub and French bread set ups and bake them properly, I could read and do inventory, cook frozen artisan breads, hamburger buns, empanadas and Jamaican patties, I knew how to do donut and hot case set ups, I was leaning how to close and read the truck, I could do stock on the bakers freezer, nearly all of it by myself, no supervision (except with stuff I was still learning like the truck). I could do way more baker stuff than any other front service clerk, but instead my manager attempted to train this kid with zero work ethic to be a baker.

Really ruined my whole desire to work in the culinary field, which I took such great interest in all throu out high school.
In high school (which was 10 years ago lmao) I enjoyed Biology, Art & home economics. My least favourite was French. I took it for like 6 years and didn't absorb any information.
man..... i used to love math, english, and history. I still like those subjects but since going into uni i've realized i also really like PE and art. Learning foreign languages is also pretty fun. My current major does have a lot of math but i'm not sure if i'll stick with it. Thinking about going into humanities instead but nothing is set in stone.
Foreign languages were definitely my favorite. I want to be a linguist. I also chose chemistry (was briefly my major) and social science.
My favorite subject is foreign languages. I learned German for three years in high school and I have many fond memories of this class because it was fun and easy. I'm currently taking French classes in college and I enjoy it because I get to watch films in French for this class. I also interested in linguistics, which is why I like foreign language classes. My second favorite subject is art because I like drawing. I took some art classes in middle school and now I'm taking them in college. I really like history too, especially world history. I'm fascinated by learning about other cultures and it's easy for me to get a good grade in history, which is why I like it a lot. I like P.E. too and it's fun to play sports at school and exercise. I wasn't fond of running laps around the track though.

I also love English because I like reading, writing, and literature. I also like science because I like nature and the environment, which is why I enjoy learning about earth science. Math is not my favorite subject but I do like algebra and geometry because they're easy and fun.
As for university, business was my favorite subject and is what I majored in. I still find it very fascinating to learn about, not to mention practical. :)

So out of all the replies here, you guys are telling me that no one else is interested in business at all?


I feel like an outcast, lmaoooo
I always liked language and literature classes and I still love to read but I don't read many literary fiction books anymore. I mostly read genre fiction and sometimes nonfiction on social topics.
My favorite subjects during my K-12 were art, English/literature, and social studies in that order. I liked these subjects because they either interested me or I was good at them. Now, I still like art and social studies but I hate English. College killed whatever joy I had with reading and writing.

Oddly enough, I now enjoy crafts like sewing. In middle school I had a bad experience with a sewing machinge in my home-econ. class, so this love of sewing still surprises me.
biology, pure math, and foreign languages.

do they still reflect my interests? yes->
i'm majoring in bio and minoring in japanese. i took as much math as my schedule could afford but that only took me up to calc II. i would've done math research as a back-up plan if there was any money in it
i loved music in elementary and middle school, but i stopped taking music classes in high school because it was always a 0 period and i didn't want to wake up that early. i also just liked playing the instruments but didn't really want to be part of the marching band.

i also enjoyed taking foreign language when i was in high school. when i got to college i took korean classes and ended up getting my minor in korean language & culture.

math was my ultimate favorite and i loved it even more in high school. i got my bachelors in math, teaching credential in math, and am now a math teacher :lemon:
In elementary school I liked English (specifically writing) and math; in high school I liked music and French.

At my job I:
-Write grants to get funding for community arts programs (obviously this heavily involves English/writing skills, but each grant also requires a budget so I get to do a bit of math)
-Write cultural fusion music arrangements for a wide variety of instrumentalists & vocalists and coach them to learn & perform these arrangements as a group

This isn't what I planned to do at all but I love it, and somehow I ended up doing something related to all my favourite childhood subjects except for French!
I LOVED history and my history teachers, but I really stopped caring about it in college. My history teachers were always my favorite, so I must have stopped having good history teachers. 😂 I don't study Spanish anymore but I really should. It's the best language. 😭
My favorite subject was history and political science. I want to say I still love history but I haven’t been able to bring myself to read any of the stuff I usually like to read (specifically Arab-Israeli war and other areas around that region in the world). I still want to learn more about the Middle east in particular — their history, culture and even religion, as well as learn some languages but my concentration and motivation aren’t good right now and am not sure if I can get myself back to it.

In high school I also liked English to a degree and writing stories. I still get the itch to write; I had plans to write a fan fic but still have a lot more brain storming to do and also since i started drawing, lost the interest kinda. I hated the regular papers though and I also hated history papers in college (not going to go into detail about it since a lot of sore memories and regrets).

I also liked a lot of political science classes :).

Not going to go into further detail here but can talk more about some of this in dms if needed. There are other things I liked studying about too but can talk about them later.
I enjoyed history and art classes the most. What I do now has nothing to do with either subject. I still do watch historical stuff on YouTube (like Weird History) and TV but that's pretty much it. I used to love to draw and play the oboe....but also fell off on that. I don't draw nor practice music anymore.

I should really get back into it.
In Elementry school I liked math and phys ed. the most, just stuff I excelled at.
In Jr. High my favourite class was home ec, because I felt it was actual applicable to life stuff like mending clothes and cooking as well as nutrition and budgeting fiances. But no one saw it this way and not enough students chose it as their elective so I never got to take it again T_T
In high school I looked forward to music class the most, I took 3 different disciplines of music courses a year. Mainly because my school had a very good music program and it was easy grades for me (AKA it'll look good for university applications).

Despite what it may seem if you've seen my jpg inventory, I actually did not like art class all that much. Although I would've loved to take woodshop or something but I've not heard of a normal high school in my area having these courses...

I suppose the subjects I liked in school is now reflected in my current interests... I like doing physical activities, listen to music, and enjoy food ._.