what would you like to see in the next AC game ?

-Ability to own your own shop
-Play as an animal character
-Roomate with villagers
-Shower/take baths/ swim indoors
-Grow veggies + more fruit variety
-Turtle villager type
-Have an INN where multiple villagers can visit/stay
-Villagers invite you to eat at their house

I love the current animal crossing already, but this would make it more awesome : D

We have that kind of game. The Sims.
I like ACNL a lot already but here's a few things that I think could improve it.
-villagers' location shown on map
-ability to "lock" one villager at a time so they can't move out, or at least an easier way to retrieve a villager you've lost
-more storage. more storage. more storage. more st
-fix grass erosion - no random dirt sports, maybe the possibility to put down dirth paths without having to run on the same path for months
-more villagers, both in general and a higher villager cap for an individual town
-change colours on clothes
-less sea bass
Probably more npcs and stores.

I love how unpredictable land plotting is and random villagers. It takes diversity into a whole new level.

But I would like new stores or npc like a bakery, gift shop where you pay an npc to send good surprises to villagers, prankster shop where you pay an npc to prank a villager.

More villagers too! So that cycling and looking for your dreamies will become more challenging.

I would also like incompatibility of villagers to happen. Like this villager type is incompatible with another. And they should fight and argue often. Then you choose a side. The side you didnt choose will play pranks on you while the one chosen will be a bit kinder to you.
I haven't played New Leaf so maybe I wont be as accurate but.

Personally I like some surprise about how my town will look when I first start the game. Maybe have design from the beginning optional? I always liked finding out what surprises awaited me in my town!

Okay so! The thing I want might not be typical, and might be a bit of a stretch, but basically if you have an internet connection, I think it would be super cool if the weather synced! There are a lot of apps and such that sync with your local weather when you have internet connection. It wouldn't be impossible, but it might be a bit complicated to add in, I'm not sure.

If your wifi is tricky, maybe when it picks up weather, it just keeps it there until a new reading comes in. So its not constantly going from rainy to sunny, that seems to make sense to me. It also means you could have rainy weather all day, and such.

But there should also be an option in settings or something to turn off the weather sync.

I just like all my stuff synced up. The time sync and seasons already makes me really happy as it is, but I think adding the weather sync would be a cool touch!

I like the fruit bushes idea. :3

And also, always more festivals and events!!
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I want more Balls.
Like the ones from gamecube.
Idk if this has already been said if so I apologize! But I think it would be cool if your town had two parts, like where the cliffs are you have a ramp so you have a top level and bottom level make the layout more fun, also have shops in your town I hate how everything is on "mainstreet" lol
Idk if this has already been said if so I apologize! But I think it would be cool if your town had two parts, like where the cliffs are you have a ramp so you have a top level and bottom level make the layout more fun, also have shops in your town I hate how everything is on "mainstreet" lol

Lol so basically how it was in CF?

Btw, you gave me this idea, so thank you :) I think it would be nice to have a part of town where neighbors would move in. Also, it would be cool to have your town expand over the other side of that rock wall. I don't know, I like how the town looks right now, but I want it to be bigger without it affecting the town so this is the only thing I came up with. Yeah, not the best idea, and I know the first thing I said was already said on another thread but I really like this idea.
You can shoot down Pete when he's flying again and I wanna ride the eagle and bird villagers and I want Brewster to be airborne