What's Bothering You?

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Me while I wait for Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
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I would absolutely love to re-create my original New Leaf town with a save editor. (not trying to discuss hacking here btw)

It's been three-and-a-half years since my original town was erased due to the cartridge randomly corrupting my save data. Going back and looking at all the funny pics I took back then makes me miss it a whole lot. But unfortunately there's not a whole lot of pics that let me get a good look at the layout of the town, and obviously it doesn't exist in the dream suite anymore since the town existed and died long before the Welcome Amiibo update.

This is just bothering me so badly now...
No one to really hang out w/ anymore.. :(
Ughhh can we please get those ORAS Teams themes today??? **** u Japan getting so much exclusive how hard is it to get here sigh.

Also wow some ppl got interesting choices for the bell tree awards lmao
getting frustrated w/ my mom. she's so freaking inept with using a computer and no matter how many times I tell her how to do something she immediately forgets and makes me do every tiny little thing for her.

what's worse is that she's constantly on my case for being forgetful... gee I wonder where I get it from huh???
****ing idiot train driver apparently don't know how to pull brakes properly so some poor guy almost fell on me and the quite fragile painting I bought at work... **** u driver and i'm glad the painting made it without damage but if it did i would've ****ing sue the driver
I’m on break right now and some ******* is yacking on his phone. SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!
ugh I have been too paranoid and anxious lately.

and I wish I could play smash ultimate but I lack the money to get the switch, game, and then the controller. :mad:
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Whatever smush smash couldn't care less lol I don't even have a Switch.

On the other hand when ppl get shiny tyranitars and u need good ground pokemons
I need to start sewing if I want it to be done by christmas.. but uuuuuuh I don't want to
Finals are intimidating me... I'm almost certainly failing one course (in my major, nonetheless) and I don't have the drive to push through this last week of finals. I still have yet to write my 20 page haiku research paper... or finish my take home exam for my literature course... or finish my final Warhol art portraits... orrrrrrr write my literary analysis essay... or study for my two written exams...

And we're about to get a pretty big snow storm tonight/tomorrow, so I don't know how I'll get to class on Monday if we get what they're actually calling for. Overall, just not feeling too well.
I'm positive that at the age of 25 I'll have gray hair and wrinkles. :lemon:
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