What's Bothering You?

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One of the modules I have to take this semester is basically a political philosophy class (Sociology and Social Policy are my majors) and I haven't a CLUE what's going on half the time :x
Yeah, apparently this happened to my RA (residence assistant) that I have for the floor of my dorm at my college. As our gym isn't purely the college's (it's shared with the community, run by one of the local hospitals), anyone can use it as long as he or she has a membership and is an adult. I had thought about reporting the incident to one of the staff members, but I'm not sure what they could do about it. I'm just afraid of it happening again.
Also, my RA had it happen from a different man, so...

God creepy pedos galore. They probably can't do much, maybe just keep a close eye on those people? They don't really have any solid evident of that stuff happening I assume. I'm not saying they won't believe you, just that there isn't much they can do, unless that creep comitted a crime.
God creepy pedos galore. They probably can't do much, maybe just keep a close eye on those people? They don't really have any solid evident of that stuff happening I assume. I'm not saying they won't believe you, just that there isn't much they can do, unless that creep comitted a crime.

I agree. Neither my RA nor myself are likely to be not necessary be ignored or anything by the gym's staff, but as I stated earlier as well as what you stated yourself, there's not much they can do about it. Both my RA and I are 19, BTW, which technically doesn't make it pedophilic as we are legally adults, but it's still creepy and unsettling because obviously these men are much older than us.
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So some creepo can come rub on you but because you're legally adults it's not pedophilia? The actual HECK?
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So some creepo can come rub on you but because you're legally adults it's not pedophilia? The actual HECK?

It could be considered sexual harassment. However, while I'm not sure if you're American or not, basically here in the United States, as long as one person involved in something like this is 18 or older, it's not considered pedophilia. Crazy I know, and I thought it was pedophilic when it happened to me yesterday, but it's just the crazy way of how our society is.
This migraine has been kicking my butt all day. I didn't get as much writings done as I would have liked because of it.
Okay I am genuinely and truly bothered by this.

So idk if anyone knows, but in order to use online functions for my Nintendo, I use my phone to create a mobile hotspot. I just now found out that I am unable to do that now.
No more dreaming (and I really loved dreaming).
No more adding friends online.
No more Club Tortimer
No more posting pics to twitter/tumblr
No more making references for my mayors

I recently got a data plan change but I didn't know it would do THIS! I can create a hotspost with my 2G shared family plan, but now that I have unlimited I can't do that anymore? Wth?
Having an anxiety disorder and obsessive tendencies is such a bad combination, oof. It sucks because no matter how good the reality of my life is, I can always just start being scared about the future, or over-analyze the past.
I caught a bad cold for the first time in like 5 years if not more and I had forgotten how annoying it was. Taking pills make me sicker and just staying in bed with a Ziploc of snow on my head bores me. I can't stand myself. I emptied 3 boxes of tissues so far. Staying in front of a screen gives me nausea...but what else I could do?

The second annoying thing, I accidentally dented the refrigerator door D: and not just a little. That refrigerator is not even one year old! I will certainly get my head bitten off later.

The third thing is that the "T" and "S" of the laptop always get stuck making it difficult to complain here.

The fourth thing is Princess Mimosa, my cat, trying to spin the computer chair to chase me. She wants THAT spot (in fact she wants anything I have including my soul).
That Kyurem basically was stuck being non shiny in my US game. Yeah, it was supposed to be shiny but trying for like 1 ? month with shiny charm almost daily so many times I gave up. If someone has an extra shiny kyurem they wanna sell for tbt go ahead and offer me but really wow that game
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