my friend told off my crush by telling him how he hurt me by saying he never liked me, how he gave me "depression", how all he did was use me for answers when he really didn't do that except the first thing. she started making him feel really bad and he said sorry to me. then when 7th period rolled around he walked with me and i told him i was sorry for making him feel bad and for what my friend said. he said "no, i should be sorry." i told him i felt stupid for crying in front of him and making a big deal and he said "i should feel stupid after what i did to you" basically what my friend did was make him realize what he had done wrong to me but i still feel really bad that my friend told him off. i texted him earlier but i didn't want to bring up the subject since we had a good conversation. if he texts me tomorrow i'll probably (?) bring it up but idk since he's with friends and i don't want him to get really depressed when he's there having a good time