What's Bothering You?

This is really the most active forum at the moment that I’m a user on. I’m on another Animal Crossing forum and we’re working on getting more activity over there, but it’s a work in progress at this point.

I’ve lurked on other online forums, as well, and none are near as active as this one.
Yeah this place is really great! It's just a bit sad to see all the different communities that I was part of being desolate and all those cool people that I got to know really well just being gone.
It’s hard getting clear communication from both of my siblings. It’s like make up your mind already.
I'm having the week off from work and I've been so excited to finally have time to chill out and do stuff at home that I haven't had time to do but my partner is making plans for us to go hang out with people and I'm really not up for it. Idk what's wrong with me, it's not like I don't like these people it's just that I was so ready to have this time to myself relaxing on my own and with my partner, I'm so not in the mood to be making plans with people and I'm annoyed that he didn't ask me about it before he started telling people we'd be available to hang out. Talking about it makes me feel like I'm being an anti-social jerk but I just want my downtime and also it's the week of my birthday c'mon man
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Vet ramble
I gotta make an appointment to put my rabbit down. His jaw is infected again and it's been infected off & on since the beginning of the year. The vet doesn't want him to be put down and instead she wants to send him to a specialist who would removed all his teeth but like, my rabbit is almost 10 years old and honestly he looks terrible. He's skinny and in pain. I have a feeling the vet will reject my request to euthanize him, in which case we will go to a new vet cause he's already had 2 major dental surgeries and he's still not okay. I counted the amount of appointments my rabbits have had this year and it's 7 times. The cost is about go over 3k and I've just had enough. I think my rabbit has had enough. Oh please Creator if you're real take my rabbit, he has suffered enough.
All of my teeth have been hurting today and I think it is because it got so cold outside when it was warm a couple of days ago. It's giving me a headache :/
Also I feel bad that there are a lot of people I meet irl who appear to want to be talkative, but I'm just not a social person and really suck at it, and it's worse when I'm not feeling well or I'm tired. I feel bad about it cuz I know that our society is pretty isolating to many people and some people really have the need to have a lot of social interaction. I'm just not that way, so I'm not much of a help or comfort to them. I kinda get a blank mind or my interests arent there's so they get bored or have no idea what I'm talking about. Oddly enough, those I find this way are generally older people.
love being pushed out of my own family in favor of my brother's girlfriend and then blamed for my own discomfort/anxiety as if they're not the ones actively prioritizing his need to be glued to her side 24/7 over my mental wellbeing 🙄
Wrong thread again jfc I’m tired XD
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was hoping to get some drawing stuff done this afternoon/evening but I've had a really nasty sinus headache since like 2-3pm. it's now 10pm and it's still not totally gone. so I ended up getting very little done. I'm not mad at myself abt it but I know I have drawings I need to work on and I'm putting myself under a lot of pressure to get them done asap 😅😭
One of my favourite coworkers has resigned and I’m literally so devastated 😭 he’s been the one person who I could always go to for help and the one whose always had my back. I’m so happy for him though because he’s been wanting a change for so long, and needs a change.

Also today has just been full on at work and I’m not vibing
Rabbit vet talk
My rabbit has an appointment for thursday. Pretty sure it's gonna be his time to pass. He was trying to eat the blended carrot I gave him this morning and his mouth wasn't working for some reason. He gave up trying to eat and now he's just hiding in his box looking sad. I wish I could save him but he doesn't want anymore dental surgeries.
Today’s day at work is the complete opposite; it’s so slooow and making it last forever. Gone from one extreme to another.
I have a choice moving in with someone and starting a new life… but on the fence given both of our situations. I want to sort out why I’m having pressures all over my scalp and head (which is affecting me getting work, and neurologist suggests I take it easy). And I can’t get an MRI without the money for it, so now I just feel so stuck.
i had a very busy day today and i just logged into new leaf to relax but now carmen is moving out. marshal, my best friend and probably the villager who’s been in my town the longest moved out recently and now carmen who was also an old villager is also moving? WHY IS EVERYONE LEAVING?!
I know its dumb but I am about to cry about my schoolwork!! Its so much because I LOVE homework but seriously, I dont think its right to be at school ALL DAY and then come home to a 28 page math packet and an 8 page science poster due on Wednesday! FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL EVEN Its too much and sometimes I even spend a little time over the weekend. Its not like so much all the time but I dont think its reasonable personally. Its only ever me and my friends that actually do it since everyone else in class barely does it. The honor classes make everything hard enough for me, I get so tired. Good thing I get the whole next week off or I'll break with all these tests and work! I am proud of myself but GOODNESS BESTIES ALL I WANNA DO WHEN I GET HOME IS PAINT PICTURES, PLAY VIDEO GAMES, PLAY WITH MY PLUSHIES, AND TALK WITH MY FRIENDS ON THE PHONE.
Rabbit vet talk
My rabbit has an appointment for thursday. Pretty sure it's gonna be his time to pass. He was trying to eat the blended carrot I gave him this morning and his mouth wasn't working for some reason. He gave up trying to eat and now he's just hiding in his box looking sad. I wish I could save him but he doesn't want anymore dental surgeries.

Ugh. Bunnies are really tough. - My friend's bunny had to be put down last year. He was perfectly fine, and then he wasn't. The vet told us that rabbits actually hide how much pain they are in until right before they are about to pass on. - It's something they do because they are prey animals and they don't want to show any signs of weakness. Her rabbit had some sort of cancerous growth on his liver or stomach or something. We just never knew. He was perfectly normal until he just became unable to move one day (and also became uninterested in eating). She booked an emergency visit the next day, and he was put down that same day. It was the most sudden thing I've ever seen.

Truly wishing you the best.