What's Bothering You?

I keep finding myself daydreaming about moving out of home and how good it would be to live by myself. It would be so so nice. I literally don't want to go home right now as I'm so sick of being there.
ugh lol idk what to do
so i have this close friend. she has ACNH and this is her first time in the animal crossing series. not a lot of her friends play animal crossing, but she knows I do (well, ACNL, ACPC & other old titles, but I don't have ACNH yet) so she talks to me almost every day about ACNH and sends me jokes and memes and stuff. it was okay the first few times, but I developed a tendency not to delve too much into ACNH because I don't have the game yet and I can't relate, and it makes me a little jealous to wait a bit before earning to buy a Switch. she knows i felt super bad about not having the game, and i wanted to tell her i didn't feel like talking about the game until i got it. i never had the courage to tell her because im probably one of the very few people she talks animal crossing about. everyday she talks about something different about AC, and for the most of it I can't relate so she goes on about how this and that work and sometimes i feel im a noob at AC. idk i hate overthinking. jkksdjf ugh i hate feelings

nevertheless i love her a ton and i dont wanna make her feel like i don't support her. i really do, it's just been hard battling negative emotions.
Tomorrow is the last day of school and I’m ending the year with my elementary students through a computer. Meh..
honestly feeling a massive lack of love and hope in my life rn. it feels like everything that can go wrong is going wrong, and it's just making everything seem a bit bleak.

i'm having some technology issues right now which is frustrating (especially since i thought i finally fixed them), and i've barely been able to sleep for the past few days so i keep waking up tired.

i'm also trying to come to terms with some... feelings i'm having and prepare myself for heartbreak so oof.
I've got so much stuff to do for uni...I'm literally going to be running off of stress, lack of sleep and caffeine for the next two days and there's nothing I can do about it. Plus, this exam period is going to be incredibly bad and the thought of the amount of study I've got to do is scary.

But for more pressing matters, I'm worried we're not going to get this assignment in by time. We literally have no idea whats going on as the lecturer could not be, and I cannot stress this enough, any more vague on what she wants. In addition to that, she is the worst teacher ever oml. But one of my group members whose a good friend of mine is literally being pushed out of her house by her roommates. She was supposed to move out in the weekend but they're pushing her out now, which means she has to spend tomorrow moving rather than working on our project :( I need to help her move too as I doubt she can arrange moving without Surely we can get an extension if need be since these are emergency situations...

This has been a crazy semester with an insane amount of stress and change. I want to cry at the ridiculousness of this semester, cry it out in efforts to exhale the crap that has happened. But I simply can't. I feel like I've tried so hard to keep my mental state level over the past few weeks and try my best to not have a mental breakdown, and I guess I have somewhat succeeded, but it feels like it could break any second.
trying to pick some poetry for the 2nd task and i think baudelaire and maybe.. emily dickinson not sure but ugh i cant really relate to either and the one that i liked is a bit tedious for the task
I kept on crying as I was driving home, while my mom just kept bickering and criticizing me. I'm not good enough, I'm never good enough.

I can't do this anymore.
i’m so overwhelmed rn i could scream. trades to do but all i want to do is relax. why do i make commitments to people when i’m not mentally in it?
I miss before Animal Crossing became mainstream. You know, if you go on twitch, Wendy's and Chuck E Cheeses are streaming Animal Crossing. Remember when New Leaf was our little niche? Plus, people genuinely think this is the first game in the series. I miss those times.
I kept on crying as I was driving home, while my mom just kept bickering and criticizing me. I'm not good enough, I'm never good enough.

I can't do this anymore.

parents can be brutal - it’s not your fault. from what i’ve seen of you around the forums, you’re a good person who is good enough. hope you’re okay <3