Lately from work my right shoulder has been mildly like, in pain? I don't wanna say pain cause it really isn't hurting, I just try to massage it at times. Am I over working it? At work I pull frozen which entitles lifting boxes above my head, some weigh anywhere from 5 to 12 pounds. They really aren't heavy for me anymore but maybe I should take it easy somehow and not use my right shoulder as much to lift?
Also lately at work I'll get tired torwards the end of my shift and get headaches, which is stupid cause I've had short shifts almost every day I work. I'm getting my average amount of sleep so idk why I get random yet timed headaches.
I've fallen in love with salmon. So much easier to cook, season, and eat than chicken breast (although I'll never rule it out). However (good) salmon costs bread.
I've fallen in love with salmon. So much easier to cook, season, and eat than chicken breast (although I'll never rule it out). However (good) salmon costs bread.
i had to walk 35 to and from school for only an hour of lessons. and my entire class are resitting a test tomorrow! but i finish early on fridays which is a plus
In fact, I've been feeling a lot more self conscious over the past couple months. Like my acne; I never really used to pay attention to that but it's been bugging me (and I'm convinced I'm going to have it for life since I've had it for like 12 years now lol). My size; I mean I think that's a given but I didn't used to think about it a lot and now I do. For example, yesterday I was with my best friend and her family, and they are all very skinny, and I couldn't help but feel like a literal elephant in the room ._. My hair as well as it's terribly fine, thin and I hardly have anything of it.
I thought I was over this phase of self consciousness but apparently not lol. It's like a reoccurring nightmare.