What's Bothering You?

i feel that. this might sound weird lol but i?ve come across a few of your posts today and while they might be ?long?, they seemed really helpful and insightful to me! (this probably doesnt make sense lmao,, my vocabulary is really slackin?)

Doesn?t sound weird at all?I actually really appreciate it! I?m just so excited about the game man, I can?t stop myself when I get into talking about it ~.~

(also your vocabulary is fine?? Definitely more natural sounding than my overly formal ?I spend too much time writing academically? tone?sometimes I cringe reading it afterward lol)
My boyfriend has to leave in about 2 hours to be in time for his new work.. he has to leave on a Sunday.. he will come back only Friday night.. great -_-
Worried some thot at usps actually thought i live in switzerland hoper their post can reply tho

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i’ve been up all night unintentionally and now i’m overtired and i’m supposed to go out today and i’m a zombie://
I just found out marnie the dog passed away ;(
Grumpy cat, lil bub and now marnie :( I am loosing lots of my favorite famous celebrity animals.
Frustrated as hell because my mom won’t accept that I have different viewpoints than she does.
We're going to owe income tax for the first time in our lives and on top of that we just received an $1800 bill for a stress test my husband's doctor forced him to get even though he didn't need it. We live paycheck to paycheck so I don't know where I'm supposed to get the money to pay all this from. This is also going to prevent me from being able to get Switch Online for probably the rest of 2020. At least my copy of NH is already ordered.
look if the story was written really well and you said the part i wrote wasnt good enough then okay i trust yall. but ngl yall wrote such a bad story even my friends say so, so to claim that the part i wrote for a generally bad story was bad for your tastes,, im throwing some hands
i get you guys like fancy fictional stories and deep psychological topics but none of yall took writing classes hdkskdj
I'm tired. Not normal of me, but I think it's cause I did a closing yesterday, got about a little more than 5 hours of sleep then went to work today, so now that I can actually sit down, I'm tired. I wanted to do stuff too. This headache isn't helping.

Also work is gettin ridiculous. My manager expects me to do so much of what others should be doin (changing inventory and production numbers) like, no. That's THEIR job. I already pick up so much slack around that place, if it weren't for me tryin to be a responsible adult and to not make a habit out of it, I would have quit months ago. He also wants us to do things but then he says things to contradict that. Like, what do you want me to do???

Omg I'm tired. Might go to sleep early omg.
never gonna be happy

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never gonna be happy
ik I've said this many times but im always in this cycle that never ends. im sick of ****ing living
since bullying is not allowed, this forum should at least implement clown emojis

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never gonna be happy

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ik I've said this many times but im always in this cycle that never ends. im sick of ****ing living

Hang in there. I know how cycles can seem impossible to break when your in them but everything passes. Bad things, good things, everything has to evolve, I hope that time comes sooner than later for you, my friend <3
tbf, 5x2 comeback never liked it at first bc it's really crammed and defeats purpose of like 90% of lineups.. but sure delete all the yellow houses and it could work ksksks