What's Bothering You?

Oh damn D;
My cat always sits in front of the toilet, waits that I clean it up and then once the toilet is clean she poops
in front of it when she feels like it. xD

I hate when animals do dumb *** like that lmao

I think the reason why he didn't go outside is because he was hungry. Nine times out of ten, when he comes to me and whimpers it's because he needs to go out and poop, but this one time that wasn't the case (at least, not really cause he actually wanted food).

I'm still becoming accustomed to his body language and what he needs/wants. It's a hassle.
Took the dog out for like 10 min in the freezing cold, does nothing.

Brought him inside, and he poops on my floor -___-
I hate that. I let my dog out three times one night and she still poops on our floor lol XD
I hate that. I let my dog out three times one night and she still poops on our floor lol XD

It really do be like that lol ://////

He's getting better about telling me when he needs to go out, I did end up going back to sleep and when I woke up a few hours later he begged me to take him out and he actually pooped outside and not on my floor. Still wish he would grow out of that, it's been really stressful having to clean up after him when he has an accident in the house.

Speaking of being stressed, I know I'm stressed when something as simple as spilling pieces of candy on the floor causes me to sob uncontrollably. There's absolutely nothing relaxing about living in this house, especially when my dad is around.
my professor just screwed me over. a significant chunk of my thesis is due in about ten days and he essentially just told me what i've been working on is crap and that i need to start over.

i don't have the time to allocate to the entire thesis next week. so i'm about to fail one of the last classes that i need to graduate.
this morning, my best friend.. had a seizure. she had to go to the hospital and she has only texted me once during her trip there. currently, she's still in the hospital doing a MRI. she's extremely worried because epilepsy runs in the family and her sister has it aswell. i'd be absolutely gutted if anything bad comes out of that MRI.
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this morning, my best friend.. had a seizure. she had to go to the hospital and she has only texted me once during her trip there. currently, she's still in the hospital doing a MRI. she's extremely worried because epilepsy runs in the family and her sister has it aswell. i'd be absolutely gutted if anything bad comes out of that MRI.

Oh no, hopefully she’s okay. :[
people say theyre so broke but they have the money to spend on neflix, apple music, spotify etc subscriptions...
i just want to give myself a hug.
i want to be enough for myself. i want to have control over my emotions. i want to be happy.
i feel so alone. it's not natural to feel this way when i'm surrounded by people.
my copy’s expected delivery is march 23rd,,, bro it’s literally coming from the city over why is it taking that long
Potentially not getting the game tomorrow due to the current circumstances. Also, I'm getting tired of these JoJo references everywhere. It's getting annoying and driving me up the wall. No offense to those who like it, though. That's what happens when you give something too much exposure.
I want to ship a gift to my friend, finally got a good size box that's USPS Priority Mail flat-rate to put it in, but I went into the USPS website to print a label and it's gonna cost me $21?????

Like seriously he only lives like 150 miles away lmaooo I might see if I can possibly ship it through standard shipping, though that might require me to get a different box :(
Everyone hates me. Even my own dog hates my ass now. It hurts. Why am I even alive?