First and foremost, this thread is a safe space for all forum members to vent or share their feelings, whether to get support or just as a means of catharsis. That said, there is now a zero-tolerance policy for any post(s) about another forum member, whether direct or indirect, and any instance of this will result in a formal warning and possible short-term ban from the forums. Anyone using this thread must abide by the following rules:
- Do not post about other forum members, even if you're not mentioning them by name. If you have an issue with someone here, you should PM them to try and work it out privately, or make a thread in our Contact the Staff board so the staff can assist in taking care of the problem.
- You may not discuss the suspension of another forum member. Talking about your own infraction or ban is fine.
- Remember to be respectful at all times, especially when responding to someone else.
- Troll/joke posts will be removed. Please only use the thread for venting about what's bothering you. We all love a good joke, but this thread isn't the place for it.
- Rule-breaking posts need to be reported. Do not take matters into your own hands by responding to posts that break the forum or thread rules.
- Medical advice of any kind should not be requested or offered under any circumstances. While discussing your own medical issues and being supportive to those experiencing them is fine, please only seek advice from your doctor(s) and leave the advice-giving to professionals.
Keep things civil from this point forward and be respectful in your posts and comments. We don't want to take away something that may be a means of support for the people using this thread for its intended purpose, so keep the above rules in mind when using this thread, and in general when posting. Thanks everyone.