What's inside your house?


Senior Member
Feb 2, 2016
Yellow Rose
Easter Egg
Sakura Easter Egg
Pikachu Easter Egg
Tasty Cake
I used to be very "in the box" thinking about my house, bedrooms, bathrooms, matching furniture sets.

I finally came to the realization that I don't actually care about the HHA award, so it's pointless to try for so many matching sets!

Some in home ideas:

In Gamine, I have three characters that will all have townhouses once I've finished building them!

House 1: Art gallery and artist's studio: The main large room will be a display space with maybe one or two small exhibits to the side, a bathroom (I study museums and bathrooms are so important, haha), an artist's studio, and an upstairs living space for my mayor! (It's important to me that my characters all at least have one room to live in, otherwise where do they sleep???) Maybe some art storage in the basement - cardboard boxes, fake paintings, etc ;)

House 2: Garden shop and grocery store: I notice that ACNL doesn't have any grocery shops! Sure there's trees, and the roost, but I mean what if you need some sugar, or a bottle of milk? Also I just love gardening shops, and I want to have a little potting shed area with wheelbarrows, and lots of lovely flowers and vases. Other rooms would include a sunny conservatory for growing tropicals, a root cellar for storing bulbs and trees, and a shady green walled bathroom.

House 3: Library and bakery (you can see what's most important to me in urban planning: food access, library, arts): I love the idea of having a public library that takes up two rooms of the main floor, with a small bakery/cafe off to one side (run by Bettina the peppy mouse), a bathroom (BATHROOMS ARE SO IMPORTANT), and an archives in the basement! PUBLIC ACCESS! FREE EDUCATION!!! *flail*

In my town Thistle, I think I'll only have my one mayor's zen style house, and while the top floor will be the mayor's living area, the bottom area will be a little Chinese medicine apothecary/doctor's office. Where do villagers go when they get sick?? Thistle will be a zen themed town, so I think the apothecary theme will fit super well.

Tell me about your house designs! As you can see, I care a lot about the "use" of a space, and also, bathrooms. :b
.... furniture :)

Yes, yes, kidding! I have five homes and try my best to aim for eclectic funtionality. Satisfies both my need for order AND a tiny bit of chaos, lol.
Aside from my Jingle/Toy Day room, my rooms are all a mix of two furniture sets and added finishing touches. I feel that my house is the thing about Pripyat. I'm extremely happy with how I've decorated. Feel free to dream about my town if you'd like to see what I did.
My mayor's house is supposed to be a castle, there's a courtyard, throne room, dining hall, servants quarters, etc.
Stella's house is supposed to be based off the sky, stars, space, etc., and also based off a castle. It includes an entrance hallway, throne room, bathroom, spaceship-esque room.
Angie's home is focused around video games and sports, and the colors red and black. Splatoon themed room, basketball court, and arcade.
Kieran's home is going to be zen and plant themed with a zen garden and gardening shop.
I love this idea!! I have a beauty salon/ spa for one of my houses. Need to pamper myself. I'm thinking of a grocery store as well and a cafe/restaurant. I know, every town has a cafe! :p why not?
My mayor's house is just a house, no matching furniture sets or anything. I have one side character for matching sets (and farming HHA points I guess).
I have a some gyroids in the mainroom and each room has their own theme. Most of my funiture is compiled with one or two different sets and yeah it kind of shines my personality through it lol
in the houses ive furniahed ive made a theme for every toom :> in the houses i habent furnished yet i mostly just have random stuff because i use it for storage..,,
My homes don't have a theme, unless you considering hoarding a theme, because I would beat the socks off everyone. I had every room in my first home filled with EVERYTHING I wanted to keep, mind you my drawer space was also filled up. I eventually had an intervention and sold most of my furniture and the like and decided to give everyone just one set. So my rooms in my first home all have a certain furniture set (a few things may be mixed in if I felt they matched), I have Jingle in one room, classic in the other, Rococo, etc. I have two other player homes, but they were created by my nieces who I don't live near anymore. With their homes I try to envision what sorts of things they'd like, for example the younger of the two loves the movie Frozen, so I've been collecting Ice furniture for her home when I can (Would totally buy the set if anyone had it btw!) while the other one is in her sassy elementary years so I imagine pinks and purples and makeups. Once I run out of ideas and if there's still space, I'd probably use one of the rooms as a storage room haha.
For my mayor's house I have princess furniture when you come into the room. It is light blue themed and has some cute items that match the furniture but don't belong in the set. I have the lotus flower lamp and edited it to be blue. I have some white carnations that are in pretty blue pots.

The next room is a cozy little area for eating. A sweets couch and then has cute leaf tables. It is nice and cute. It has the afternoon teaset and cakes.

The other room has a spooky sofa and is being turned into a cozy little library. My house is cozy themed. I love it so much

My bedroom is empty and is a work in progress for the time being :3
My house is varied:
The main room is Spirited Away influenced (it's the spa room!), however, I'll be changing this room to a library/bedroom that's pink/white themed heh.
Another room is a cafe with the sweets set furniture, again pink/white themed!
The room next to the main room is just the ice set. Nothing fancy lol
The other room is the princess set, but with extra items like Papa Bear recolored, etc.
The basement is the Great Fairy Fountain haha.
Top floor is like a meadow, with pics of my villagers on sprout tables, and the zodiac animals in between the tables.
I love reading all of these, even the ones that just say "...furniture". It's fun seeing the kind of considerations everyone has put into their town <3
My house is varied:
The main room is Spirited Away influenced (it's the spa room!), however, I'll be changing this room to a library/bedroom that's pink/white themed heh.
Another room is a cafe with the sweets set furniture, again pink/white themed!
The room next to the main room is just the ice set. Nothing fancy lol
The other room is the princess set, but with extra items like Papa Bear recolored, etc.
The basement is the Great Fairy Fountain haha.
Top floor is like a meadow, with pics of my villagers on sprout tables, and the zodiac animals in between the tables.

Oh cool! I would love to see your spirited away themed room! Do you have any photos?
My mayor's house is supposed to be a castle, there's a courtyard, throne room, dining hall, servants quarters, etc.
Stella's house is supposed to be based off the sky, stars, space, etc., and also based off a castle. It includes an entrance hallway, throne room, bathroom, spaceship-esque room.
Angie's home is focused around video games and sports, and the colors red and black. Splatoon themed room, basketball court, and arcade.
Kieran's home is going to be zen and plant themed with a zen garden and gardening shop.

I really like what you have done with your mayor's house, I'm trying to make my house castle themed too, I think your room would be a great inspiration source for me!! Do you have a dream address for your town? I would love to visit!!
Everyones houses sound so nice. I should do some dream visits tonight. :)

I'm a kid at heart, so my houses usually have a cartoon theme. My favorite house is in my Sunshine town. It's Where Winnie The Pooh and all his friends live.
These sound so awesome, I also love Spirited Away so much. My town Thistle is going to have a Zen/Asian witch themed, and I think I'm going to have three houses after all now. I'm inspired to do a bathhouse/spa/onsen after hearing about the previous poster's, and another great one would be a temple! I'd also love to do a restaurant room in the spa, I'm Chinese and was SO EXCITED to see the lucky susan in Drago's house, ahahaha.
The main room is all alpine themed, the right room is cabin themed with villager pics, the left room is an exact replica of Hamphrey's house (creepy? lol), the upstairs has more alpine furniture and the downstairs will be a music box room but is currently empty lol
All my rooms have a theme because I wanted HHA rewards- I have a lovely room, a rococo room, an ice room, a Pave room and a Jingle room but the basement is a mess XD