What’s missing from New Leaf then?


Local Eurovision Fan DA-3870-3754-4899
May 6, 2016
Matryoshka Doll
Genuinely curious what people want back, since everyone is talking about missing features :)
  • Brewster (and his cafe)
  • Fortune cookies
  • Furniture sets (Gorgeous, Royal, Astro, Rococo, etc.)
  • Re-Tail (Gemstones, Fossil miniatures, music boxes)
  • Gyroids
  • Nook's Cranny upgrades
  • Island Tours (Kapp'n and his family, Tortimer, tropical fruit, mini-games)
  • Police Station (Booker and Copper)
  • Club LOL (Dr. Shrunk)
  • All other missing items (house plants, food, froggy chair, Gulliver souvenirs, etc)
  • House/building exteriors (zen, mermaid, etc)
  • Other PWPs (wisteria trellis, flower clock, cutout standee, etc)
  • Museum exhibit rooms, souvenir shop
  • Town ordinances
  • Perfect Fruits
  • Violet, carnation, lucky clovers, tree stump patterns, dead trees
  • Silver tools, unbreakable Gold tools, toy hammer, megaphone
  • Katrina, Harriet, Resetti Brothers, HHA Crew (Lyle, Digby, Lottie), Pelicans, etc
  • Villager home visits
  • April Fool's, bug/fish tourney closing ceremonies
  • Welcome amiibo update additions (Desert Island Escape, Amiibo villagers, etc)

That's all I can think of at the moment. But there's more.
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  • Brewster (and his cafe)
  • Fortune cookies
  • Furniture sets (Gorgeous, Royal, Astro, Rococo, etc.)
  • Re-Tail (Gemstones, Fossil miniatures, music boxes)
  • Gyroids
  • Nook's Cranny upgrades
  • Island Tours (Kapp'n and his family)
  • Police Station (Booker and Copper)
  • Club LOL (Dr. Shrunk)
  • All other missing items (house plants, food, froggy chair, Gulliver souvenirs, etc)
  • House/building exteriors (zen, mermaid, etc)
  • Other PWPs (wisteria trellis, flower clock, cutout standee, etc)
  • Town ordinance
  • Perfect Fruits
  • Violet, carnation, lucky clovers
  • Katrina, Harriet, HHA Crew, etc
  • Welcome amiibo update additions (Desert Island Escape, Amiibo villagers, etc)

That's all I can think of at the moment. But there's more.

Thanks for the list!
- Brewster I really hope will be in an update with gyroids, I miss him too!
- To me, fortune cookies are just another way of obtaining furniture, which was redesigned in this game, not really a feature
- Furniture sets are also not really a feature imo, I’d love them back but the furniture system was redesigned so I think we’ll get more and new stuff in it’s own way
- Retail was kinda replaced by doing your own diy customisation, though I’d love more options/the gemstones back the feature wasn’t exactly removed
- Nook’s cranny had a redesign too, we have tonnes of stock in the cabinet, and half the furniture is DIY now, I don’t really have a problem with this
- Island would be nice :)
- I miss the police too
- indeed doesn’t make sense that the exterior customisation options were taken out
- Yess I want these as Nook Mile items!
- yes, especially the night owl and early bird ones would fit well!
- perfect fruit is kinda a niche thing, wouldn’t bother me if it stayed new leaf only
- streamlining all of these NPC functions seems to be a design choice, I don’t like it much either but the actual content is still there
- I’m thinking those might intentionally just stay a new leaf thing? Welcome amiibo really was a huge bonus update

I’m hoping for:
A brewster (with gyroid) update, a Katrina update and a Gracie update myself, and I’d always love more furniture. I think that would be enough to make the game complete, it doesn’t have to have everything from New Leaf
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Brewster and the Roost
Post office and the pelicans
Club LOL & Dr Shrunk
Katrina & the Fortune Tent / Shop
Police station & Copper and Booker
The boat, Kapp’n & Kapp’n family
Shop upgrades
Tortimors island & mini games, both online and offline
Several furniture sets including the Regal, Modern and Rococo sets.
Several PwP items
Town ordinances
Perfect town fruits
Snowman, Snowmam and Snowtyke and the items and mini games associated with each snowperson.


Amount of buildings and upgrades has been decreased. Most of them mentioned above.
Existence of special NPC been literally reduced, example Club LOL vs. K.K. performing in the "plaza", Label was a part of family, has own section it the store - now is homeless... oh, sorry... travelling :p
Observing last three updates, Halloween, Turkey Day, Toy Day - every single of them are more shallow then previous one.
One thing I really miss is being able to access your storage while visiting another town. The only other things I can think of that haven't been mentioned are the variety of wetsuits (I like the NH ones, but I particularly miss the black anchor one), and the PWP that weren't ported over. Why did we get the lighthouse but not the windmill? The rose arch and the instrument shelter were nice, too.
- Retail was kinda replaced by doing your own diy customisation, though I’d love more options/the gemstones back the feature wasn’t exactly removed

Not exactly. Re-Tail was a flea market, and that was not replaced by DIYs
My beloved gyroids which my username is dedicated to and definitely the post office! Also I miss the villager relationships/ depth from wild world and GameCube so I would definitely like a dialogue update sometime within the next year.
Not exactly. Re-Tail was a flea market, and that was not replaced by DIYs
Fair enough about the flea market bit but tbh that wasn’t really useful for multiplayer and just caused the villagers to throw away their stuff unless you filled all the spots yourself 😂 I’d rather have the wild world event back tbh
Fair enough about the flea market bit but tbh that wasn’t really useful for multiplayer and just caused the villagers to throw away their stuff unless you filled all the spots yourself 😂 I’d rather have the wild world event back tbh

I feel like it would be very useful in multiplayer. You could add your DIYs and other stuff and your friends could buy it while over your town. This is especially useful now that Nintendo has locked us out of different colors for furniture. Unless you're looking to sell for TBT or NMT, this is a fun neat way to sell sell some unwanted junk to others.

If not looking to sell to other players, You could easily fill all the slots with your duplicate fossils and the villagers would pay 4000-9000 bells each for them. This was an a fun way to make bells quickly in NL.
Most people just give away items though or drop the bells on the floor? It might have worked if we had a city folk style auction house or if you somehow could invite your friends to play when you were offline Gamecube style but I don’t really remember anyone using it in New Leaf
- I miss the hair. We need more long hair styles and hair colors (light brown, white, dark blue, etc.) While Nintendo is progressing with that in certain ways (more diversity), there’s still some obvious hair choices being missing in the game that was classic to many AC games before ACNH.
- I also miss how gold tools never broke in NL.
- A small thing but using a silver axe in New Leaf to cut down a tree makes the stump have a different design like citrus, flower, and even the Triforce.
- Flowers were a lot easier to control in NL. Just simply picking them puts them in your inventory, which you can’t for NH.
- I miss having unique Gracie designs and iconic furniture, especially the seasonal series. Label standing outside the Town Hall sometimes with fashion checks doesn’t necessarily cut it.
- Perfect fruit. They taste better to villagers and sell for a higher price. They also look more shiny and appealing.
- Fortune cookies. I know we don’t really have Playcoins on Switch but it was cool spending hard-earned coins walking around primary school on cool items like Mario, Zelda, and other Nintendo items.
- RVs. I liked having to scan in amiibos and get cool new furniture. You could also sell your MEOW coupons for bells.
- Probably just me, but I miss Pelly & Pete. It felt more lively having a mailman walking around instead of your mail being automatically delivered the next day like in NH. Having an actual post office in main street like in NL felt kind of better instead of being grouped with the Town Hall.
One thing that isn't exactly in other games, but it kinda is, and I wanted to see in NH, is non-residents, non-"merchants", walking around the town.

This is like, you know how ex-residents would pop up on the street in New Leaf? I miss that, but at the same time, I wanted - even back then - that it was expanded. Like, we have visitors in the campsite, but why can't they walk around the island, and properly visit the town, instead of just being inside a tent all day long? Also, it would be reaaaaally cool if your island actually attracted other animals to visit once it reached a certain rating. It would encourage people to achieve a 5 star rating and keep it, and it would also be a good opportunity for us to interact with animals that we don't necessarily want to have living on the island (especially because we're limited to just ten villagers) but we still like them enough to see them sometimes.
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okay so i just want to preface that i made this list before the last update. some things might still be missing from the list, and some things on it might be in NH without me realizing. also i didn't list all the missing furniture items because, y'know. anyway this was largely off the top of my head so please don't bash me or anything if i got a few wrong. ty.

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So much but I'm trying not to make a list so I can enjoy NH haha. One major thing is I miss mannequins. I know it's unlikely they would come back since we have wands now but mannequins can do so much for narrative. I want to do a murder mystery manor but I need mannequins to act as different characters and to give clues. I also want patterned stumps back. I'm not sure but I'm guessing they're waiting to put Zelda related stuff until BOTW2 comes out, hopefully that includes the triforce stump.
The biggest thing for me is furniture sets. What I was expecting coming in to this game was that there would be one big "pool" (for lack of a better word) of craftable furniture, and another equally big "pool" of non-craftable furniture that you could buy from vendors, whether Gracie, the Nook Kids, RVs, Harvey's, island gift shop, etc. This obviously didn't turn out to be the case, and ended up being one of the deciding factors for my returning the game.

I'm just baffled as to why they cut so much. Even if they wanted most everything to be craftable, there were plenty of traditional sets that could have been made craftable (Alpine, Cabin, Ranch, Minimalist, to name a few...) that were just unceremoniously dropped. I've heard a lot on these forums that the furniture sets had to be changed to reflect the game's outdoor-oriented design philosophy, but even then, they were able to adapt certain sets to the New Horizons style (like the various holiday sets). Why not adapt all of the past sets and add more, rather than just replacing most of the old stuff with new stuff? More options are always better, for both indoors and outdoors! More items in general leads to a deeper breadth and variety of choices for designing, which leads to more diverse and interesting islands in general. When every other game up until now (as far as I know) has included older sets in addition to adding new ones, why is it suddenly too much to ask now, on the most advanced Nintendo console yet?

One thing that I'm the most confused about is the seeming arbitrary-ness (I'm pretty sure that's not a word, but oh well) about the choices of stuff that was cut vs kept. I'd like to know why some things were cut altogether, other things were sort of kept, but with a different name (Cabana becoming Rattan, Exotic becoming Imperial, Lovely being inverted and renamed Cute), and others got the seemingly arbitrary Seal of Approval to come back, some practically untouched (Mermaid and Horoscope are the first to come to mind, there may very well be others I'm forgetting).

I would love it if some day they released a big update, Welcome Amiibo style, that included a bunch of furniture options (not all just sets, mind you - I know I've been focusing on the sets, but the different sorts of general, unthemed furniture released in Welcome Amiibo that you could mix and match were awesome and would be great to have again) that you can buy from vendors. If they're too worried about crowding the island with shops and making it seem too "unnatural", then there could be some sort of "shopping center island" with Gracie, Amiibo vendors, and/or other NPCs. Kapp'n could even take you there, just to kill two birds with one stone!

In spite of all my ranting, I don't think this is likely to happen and is mostly just wishful thinking. Maybe they'll bring back the Gracie sets, but at this point, I would not bet on everything that was cut coming back. If it did happen, and some day I could have my Sweets, Gorgeous, Princess, Rococo, Regal, and Stripe sets back, then I'd be more inclined to pick the game back up and give it another try. Also... RIP my beloved, gorgeous cicada stereo.

The second thing I would like to come back is the Tortimer Island. I like that you can find villagers to invite to your island through the mystery islands. However, I was disappointed by the variety of mystery islands. Most of the time, I'd spend my nook miles on a ticket, only to end up on an island with the same fruit/flowers/bugs/fish as my own island, which became disappointing quickly. The excitement of knowing that you could land on something really cool and unique (like tarantula island, which did happen to me once) is nice, at least. But I wish there was an option, in addition to the mystery islands, to go to one Tortimer Island-style island that's always the same layout, including a gift shop and Summer fish and bugs to catch, just like in New Leaf. Maybe make it more expensive than buying a ticket to the mystery islands, but I missed the reliability of always knowing what was going to be on the island at any time, and the relaxation of fishing and bug-hunting late at night on the island for sharks and beetles.

Thank you for reading all of that, if you made it. At the end of the day, I suppose I just have to accept that New Horizons is just not for me as it is. It's hard to move on and take the new game and its own furniture for what it is when all I can think of is how gorgeous some of my old favorite items would have looked in HD, New Horizons style. I doubt they'll add all of my favorite furniture sets and individual pieces; they've made their decision and seem to be sticking with it, with a few exceptions. It is what it is, even if it makes me a little pessimistic for the future. For now, I'll just keep on playing New Leaf and lurking around the New Horizons section to see what all is getting added. At any rate, thanks for making the topic and for all those participating!