What’s missing from New Leaf then?

Basically the shop upgrades. In the old games and in New Leaf you were able to get upgraded shops by shopping at the shop many times and they will tell you how they will close their shop tomorrow for renovation and then by next day after that there is a new shop that has been upgraded. I don't understand why this was not added back when its been in every other game especially New Leaf.
- Information signs IN the museum
- post office, carrying letters, ordering more up to 20 items a day
- windmill pwp and others
- town ordinances
- island tours
- welcome amiibo update
- nook updates

Many more things, but I'm already repeating others :p
I'm currently in the deciding phase of whether or not I want to buy a new game, and New Horizons has been on my list for awhile. But I've been holding off, because even though I'm sure I'll like it, a part of me is worried I won't like it as much as New Leaf. Granted, I didn't start playing New Leaf until the Welcome Amiibo update, so I didn't have the experience of watching the game and its community unfold when it was new. But all these cuts (some of which are being slowly drip fed into the game via updates) have me wondering if my money would be better spent elsewhere, at least until a good portion of the updates come in. I also don't have, nor do I plan on getting, a subscription to Switch Online, so that cuts a lot of the social elements out of the equation.

I am extremely indecisive. I've been looking forward to this game since 2019, but now I'm just really not sure if it can live up to those expectations.
I just need to say something. I feel like New Horizons feels unfinished. I know people want to say that its a really great game but the truth is there is a lot missing. I was playing New Leaf for 2 weeks and there were a lot of things it had that stood out to me that New Horizons needs:

1. Variety of Shops (Leif Store, Kicks Shop, Club LOL, Shampoodile, Post Office, etc)

2. Shop Upgrades (When you shop enough they will close for renovation and then the other day they will have a new shop. I got T&T Mart)

3. Villagers actually coming to your home (They will ask if you want them to come over. Which I felt like was a great feature to bond with ur villagers)

4. You can actually customize the Town Hall (The game rewards you when you make your town so great and you can actually unlock when you have a higher stratification of your citizens when you talk to Isabelle)

5. You can visit Tortimur Island (Basically you can go there by talking to Kappa by the dock and you can hang out on a small island where you can get rare fruit and catch a lot of rare fishes and bugs. The only way to get it back to your town is drop them in the basket and then when you get back to your town the basket is on the dock and you can retrieve the items you got from the island)
I feel like it would be very useful in multiplayer. You could add your DIYs and other stuff and your friends could buy it while over your town. This is especially useful now that Nintendo has locked us out of different colors for furniture. Unless you're looking to sell for TBT or NMT, this is a fun neat way to sell sell some unwanted junk to others.

If not looking to sell to other players, You could easily fill all the slots with your duplicate fossils and the villagers would pay 4000-9000 bells each for them. This was an a fun way to make bells quickly in NL.
I filled all of the Re-Tail slots with ore priced at 9999 bells and pushed my villagers around the shop until they decided to buy one of them. The good ole days...

I get that some of the NPCs in NL were removed because of QoL improvements, but it would have been nice to repurpose those characters instead of just removing them. There are only a handful of NPCs in NH to regularly interact with. It's not the same sending a letter or changing your hairstyle using an inanimate object instead of talking to an NPC. There is just a lot of charm missing in NH compared to NL. NH seems mostly like an island decorator game while NL focused more on the day-to-day play.
4. You can actually customize the Town Hall (The game rewards you when you make your town so great and you can actually unlock when you have a higher stratification of your citizens when you talk to Isabelle)
I didn't know you could do that. I guess that's a goal to aspire to.
I feel like there is a lot missing from New Leaf, and it makes me a bit sad. New Horizons does have some new mechanics and furniture of it's own and it's a beautiful game but it feels almost... hollow? In comparison to New Leaf.

1.) Shop variety. I get we're an island getaway this time but I wanna believe if I had visitors coming to vacation on my island they'd want more than two shops, lol. I miss Kicks & Leif having their own store (or in Leif's case a section in Nookling's once it upgraded), Club LOL (it would be lovely if there was a club for K.K so that NPC villagers could still visit when he's playing!), the post office, Recycling centre, and Brewsters! I understand why we don't have Shampoodle (the mirror), or Luna (you can just go to bed), but I'd still like to see something more, shop wise.

It's also a bummer that the shops we do have feel like incomplete versions of themselves thanks to New Leaf. In New Leaf The Able Sister's upgraded twice. We had the addition of Shampoodle which I understand isn't needed and I'm okay with that, but we also had Label get her own section of the store which I miss. The Nook store also upgraded five times! I think it's silly that Nookling's doesn't upgrade at all - selling three large furniture pieces a day is ridiculous and I honestly think part of why Nookling's doesn't upgrade this time is because they know they don't have a lot of furniture to sell.

2.) NPC's. This game doesn't have nearly as many NPC's. I do like the addition of Flick & CJ but having so many less NPC adds to the world feeling a little bit empty. Part of this is because they've omitted stores so we don't need the shop keepers, or the NPC doesn't have a purpose anymore (I miss you Phineas 😭), but you can definitely feel the difference. For a game that has the ability to be bigger & better than New Leaf it's odd how empty it feels. And I know there's the argument that more NPC's will come with updates because that's how we got Leif but it's frustrating that so much of this game is, "maybe it'll come in an update!".

3.) Mini games. I miss Tortimer's island for those cute minigames when playing with friends and I also liked the addition of having mini games in the 3DS & Wii U!

4.) Tortimer's Island is also gone. I loved Tortimer's island both for the mini games and being able to catch summer bugs & fish all year round! This was especially nice in the middle of winter when maybe you wanted a break from the snow.

5.) The campground. We still have the campsite but I miss having the campground and being able to scan in Amiibo's to see villagers or NPC's in campers! It was such a cute addition and a fun way to find new furniture.

6.) Furniture variety. This one is a given but I mean both indoor furniture sets (this game desperately needs more buyable furniture sets for your house!) and the few outdoor PWP's New Leaf had. Don't get me wrong, I love the outdoor furniture in New Horizons and being able to place it without it needing to be a PWP! I just miss some of the fun variety. The different styles of street lights, the cute spinnable jungle gym, the little cardboard cutout thing, etc.

7.) Along with shop upgrades I miss the train station and town hall updates! I like how they were optional so you didn't need to change them but if you wanted to I think there was three different exterior types?

8.) Speaking of exteriors - I miss the variety that New Leaf had. I love that I can change the exterior of my house all in one go instead of having a mashup of different pieces until my house is completed but I miss the different exteriors that New Leaf had. It would've been a lot of fun to have a Sweets Exterior for Christmas!

9.) Fruit. This one is a little strange to me, I'm not sure why we don't have as many fruit types? It's not like they gave us new fruit, they just... got rid of other ones. I miss having banana's on my beach! I like have tree's on my beach but I'm not a big fan of how coconuts look. We're also missing lemon trees, persimmons, lychees, and mangoes! Along with having perfect fruit. If I'd known there wasn't perfect fruit when I first started my island I wouldn't have been so picky about getting apples, lol. I miss em because the apples look all pretty and sparkly and I loved giving my villagers perfect versions of the fruit they'd ask for!

10.) Goodbye letters! Maybe this one is silly, but I really miss getting goodbye letters. I would save them in New Leaf, especially if I hadn't gotten a villagers picture, as a way of remembering them. I also feel like it was just a really sweet touch, them sending one? Maybe they didn't feel like they were needed in New Horizons since villagers only ever move out after they've asked you, but still.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but there's likely more.
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Part of this is because they've omitted stores so we don't need the shop keepers, or the NPC doesn't have a purpose anymore (I miss you Phineas 😭), but you can definitely feel the difference.

the thing is that a lot of the NPCs could just... be repurposed? phineas, for example, could go back to his city folk job and hand out the missing handheld items from NL. harriet (and even the hair salon itself) could return to offer a rotating selection of wigs, hairstyles, hair colors, and even hair accessories exclusive to her. dr. shrunk could be used to give us some new reactions since we now have roughly three whole rows to fill up. booker/copper aren't necessarily obsolete since isabelle doesn't tell you who's in town, which they could still do -- they just wouldn't have the lost and found anymore. pelly, phyllis and pete are wildly better than the postcard stand to begin with, and i'd personally rather have them replace it. they can easily explain this away in-game as the town expanding, which means more letters and packages, hence a need for a bigger building (or room in the airport) and workforce. the other NPCs missing aren't obsolete or lacking a purpose, they're just not here anymore. for no real reason.
the thing is that a lot of the NPCs could just... be repurposed? phineas, for example, could go back to his city folk job and hand out the missing handheld items from NL. harriet (and even the hair salon itself) could return to offer a rotating selection of wigs, hairstyles, hair colors, and even hair accessories exclusive to her. dr. shrunk could be used to give us some new reactions since we now have roughly three whole rows to fill up. booker/copper aren't necessarily obsolete since isabelle doesn't tell you who's in town, which they could still do -- they just wouldn't have the lost and found anymore. pelly, phyllis and pete are wildly better than the postcard stand to begin with, and i'd personally rather have them replace it. they can easily explain this away in-game as the town expanding, which means more letters and packages, hence a need for a bigger building (or room in the airport) and workforce. the other NPCs missing aren't obsolete or lacking a purpose, they're just not here anymore. for no real reason.

That's a really good point! New Leaf is the only other Animal Crossing game I've played so I wasn't aware of what jobs NPC's may have had in the past. Bringing Phineas back to hand out missing items would be really nice! I was thinking that Harriet could have a salon for special hairstyles just for her, but also giving her hair colours, wigs, and accessories would be really cool and definitely a great way to bring her back. I miss Dr. Shrunk too! I miss his club for K.K Slider concerts and I thought getting reactions from him was cute although I do also like that we learn them from villagers and during holidays this time, too.

I'd happily welcome back Booker/Copper if it means they'll tell me who's in town, and honestly I wouldn't be upset if they got the lost and found too. Having the little box be in Town Hall is okay but I wouldn't mind it being in the police station either. I miss the post office! I'm really bummed they replaced a whole shop and three NPC's with... a post card stand. I'd love to see them come back as a post office and also have getting mail twice a day come back, too. It would make trading & decorating so much easier if I could order items and have them be delivered by 5 pm the same day.

You're right when you say the NPC's aren't lacking purpose - they would just need to be given a new purpose (or some of them could even have their old jobs back) and it sucks New Horizons just sort of tossed em aside. I hope that we do see a, "the island is so popular, we need to expand!" type update in the future that sees a lot of shops & NPCs return.
That's a really good point! New Leaf is the only other Animal Crossing game I've played so I wasn't aware of what jobs NPC's may have had in the past. Bringing Phineas back to hand out missing items would be really nice! I was thinking that Harriet could have a salon for special hairstyles just for her, but also giving her hair colours, wigs, and accessories would be really cool and definitely a great way to bring her back. I miss Dr. Shrunk too! I miss his club for K.K Slider concerts and I thought getting reactions from him was cute although I do also like that we learn them from villagers and during holidays this time, too.

I'd happily welcome back Booker/Copper if it means they'll tell me who's in town, and honestly I wouldn't be upset if they got the lost and found too. Having the little box be in Town Hall is okay but I wouldn't mind it being in the police station either. I miss the post office! I'm really bummed they replaced a whole shop and three NPC's with... a post card stand. I'd love to see them come back as a post office and also have getting mail twice a day come back, too. It would make trading & decorating so much easier if I could order items and have them be delivered by 5 pm the same day.

You're right when you say the NPC's aren't lacking purpose - they would just need to be given a new purpose (or some of them could even have their old jobs back) and it sucks New Horizons just sort of tossed em aside. I hope that we do see a, "the island is so popular, we need to expand!" type update in the future that sees a lot of shops & NPCs return.

yeah, in CF he owned a little stand that would sometimes appear in the city where you could buy balloons etc. obviously the regular balloons (and one pinwheel) are obtainable during the fireworks festivals, and now in nook's, but there's no reason he couldn't offer the bunny balloons, heart balloons, ice creams, other colored pinwheels, and even some new items. (though they'd have to stop tripping being guaranteed while holding a balloon before i equip one again.) i think getting reactions from villagers was cute, even if it didn't feel as earned, but since there's already 40 that can be acquired from them, i see no harm in introducing a set that only shrunk can teach you in exchange for either a snack or an entry fee to one of his shows.

i really miss the post office, and personally prefer how letters worked in previous games. there's just something really hollow and unfulfilling about approaching a card stand, all the stationary just being there, and not being able to have the interactions that you used to with pelly/phyllis. i preferred getting to see what new stationary was in the shop each day, but i wouldn't mind every type being available 24/7 if they just brought back everything else. being able to store/organize your letters, receive mail two times a day, having pete wander around your town etc. it gave the whole area of the game so much more character. i haven't written a single letter to any of my residents in this game, and i think part of the reason why is because the whole process has lost its charm.

one of my ideas (far fetched as it may be), has always been to just bring back the city aspect of CF and put a spin on it. you can have the HHA, phineas, gracie's, club lol, katrina's, a dock or harbor where kapp'n chills, kicks and lief could have their own shops, a new shop that serves as the equivalent to nook's homes from the last game. it doesn't all have to be unlocked at the start either, similarly to NL.
yeah, in CF he owned a little stand that would sometimes appear in the city where you could buy balloons etc. obviously the regular balloons (and one pinwheel) are obtainable during the fireworks festivals, and now in nook's, but there's no reason he couldn't offer the bunny balloons, heart balloons, ice creams, other colored pinwheels, and even some new items. (though they'd have to stop tripping being guaranteed while holding a balloon before i equip one again.) i think getting reactions from villagers was cute, even if it didn't feel as earned, but since there's already 40 that can be acquired from them, i see no harm in introducing a set that only shrunk can teach you in exchange for either a snack or an entry fee to one of his shows.

i really miss the post office, and personally prefer how letters worked in previous games. there's just something really hollow and unfulfilling about approaching a card stand, all the stationary just being there, and not being able to have the interactions that you used to with pelly/phyllis. i preferred getting to see what new stationary was in the shop each day, but i wouldn't mind every type being available 24/7 if they just brought back everything else. being able to store/organize your letters, receive mail two times a day, having pete wander around your town etc. it gave the whole area of the game so much more character. i haven't written a single letter to any of my residents in this game, and i think part of the reason why is because the whole process has lost its charm.

one of my ideas (far fetched as it may be), has always been to just bring back the city aspect of CF and put a spin on it. you can have the HHA, phineas, gracie's, club lol, katrina's, a dock or harbor where kapp'n chills, kicks and lief could have their own shops, a new shop that serves as the equivalent to nook's homes from the last game. it doesn't all have to be unlocked at the start either, similarly to NL.

Oh, that's really cool! I would love to play CF on my Wii, I would just have to find a copy first. That would be a great way to bring him back though and since we already have travelling NPC's I think having Phineas appear that way would make a lot of sense. I would love to have him sell items like that, too! I miss different shaped balloons (totally agree on the tripping thing though. When I tripped in New Leaf and my bunny balloon floated away I was devastated 😭 ) and having more colours for pinwheels, icecreams, etc would all be really nice. That's fair and makes a lot of sense too, having Shrunk have his only special set of reactions.

Same here! I was never a huge fan of writing letters in New Leaf because I just hated typing on the 3DS, lol. But I would do it and the experience was a lot better than just going to the post card stand. I miss mailing the letters and talking to Pelly/Phyllis and getting to see Pete wandering around on mail day! It's cutting things like that that make New Horizons feel hollow, imo.

I'm not sure how City Folk did things, so I'll have to look up the game, but I'm all for any kind of way to bring back shops & NPC's. I really miss Kapp'n and his cute little songs as we went down to Tortimer's Island. I'm completely okay with unlocking things slowly, too! I liked how in New Leaf the store progressed with time - it just bothers me that with New Horizons if we do get shop upgrades it'll be added in an update, vs being something that was a planned & included mechanic from the start.
Oh, that's really cool! I would love to play CF on my Wii, I would just have to find a copy first. That would be a great way to bring him back though and since we already have travelling NPC's I think having Phineas appear that way would make a lot of sense. I would love to have him sell items like that, too! I miss different shaped balloons (totally agree on the tripping thing though. When I tripped in New Leaf and my bunny balloon floated away I was devastated 😭 ) and having more colours for pinwheels, icecreams, etc would all be really nice. That's fair and makes a lot of sense too, having Shrunk have his only special set of reactions.

Same here! I was never a huge fan of writing letters in New Leaf because I just hated typing on the 3DS, lol. But I would do it and the experience was a lot better than just going to the post card stand. I miss mailing the letters and talking to Pelly/Phyllis and getting to see Pete wandering around on mail day! It's cutting things like that that make New Horizons feel hollow, imo.

I'm not sure how City Folk did things, so I'll have to look up the game, but I'm all for any kind of way to bring back shops & NPC's. I really miss Kapp'n and his cute little songs as we went down to Tortimer's Island. I'm completely okay with unlocking things slowly, too! I liked how in New Leaf the store progressed with time - it just bothers me that with New Horizons if we do get shop upgrades it'll be added in an update, vs being something that was a planned & included mechanic from the start.

the city was just basically just a different version of main street, only most of the shops were in a semi-circle around a fountain. there was the theater (where you could watch shrunk perform to learn reactions), the HHA, gracie-grace, an auction house (which is where lloid came from, i'm pretty sure), kicks who would "shine" your shoes on a doorstep, the hair salon, redd's, katrina's, and, under certain circumstances, the reset center. here are some pictures.

Brief summary with missing things I can think of:

1. Music boxes;
2. Summer and winter solstice 24 hour daylight/nighttime respectively;
3. Tortimer island;
4. The roost and associated villager coffee preferences;
5. Gyroids;
6. Nearly every classic furniture series and set;
7. Luck mechanics (love luck, money luck, etc.);
8. Gracie and her associated furniture sets;
9. Time capsules;
10. Hide and seek;
11. Play dates (villager agrees to show up at your home at a specific time);
12. Villager fears (used for New Leaf halloween event);
13. Villager aspirations and family history (used during New Leaf April Fool's event);
14. Perfect fruit mechanic;
15. Snowman bingo mechanic;
16. Carnations

I'm sure given time I could come up with more. Note that 12 and 13 are tied to a specific event, so I was hesitant to include them, but it is missing villager data that I feel is unfortunate to be missing.
Quite a few things I do miss. Club Tortimer, Brewster, and Gyroids are def on the top of the list though. I miss the mini-games with friends so much.
I know this is a thread about whats missing from new leaf but... remember donating to help another town in need and golden trees?
Oh yeah, and I really miss the campsite from new leaf. o-o
Comparing to older versions / iteration of the game, comparing games within franchise is something natural, as we players are customers and we expecting the best product for our money.
As we know, Animal Crossing has a history, nearly 20 years on the market, we may expecting more from developers than from a small company just releasing new game.
If any previous AC game gave us something good, it's natural we want to keep it, use it, enjoy it in new versions.
My example: Turnip Market - it was before and we still have it. There is no reason to complain about this, because we have what we had in the past.

I do realise different games being updated differently. Couple examples:

1. The Sims - cost of full game, with all DLC. The Sims 3 costs £341.81 and The Sims 4 (with current discounts) costs £384.13. In my opinion this price is not acceptable and regardless if this game is good or not, I decided not to buy / not to play, except some "episodes" with base game.

2. Dragon Quest Builders. Developers learnt a lot since first one has been developed and created second one, much bigger and better. This example proves it's possible.

3. Games like: Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Terraria, No Man's Sky and many more - those games been updated for years, adding new content and keeping existing players with their game.

And finally, Animal Crossing - we had several games across many Nintendo consoles, some of them (mostly spin-offs) were failure, some of them been better, some worse, what is quite natural. Now, we have ACNH and if some of us never played AC before, it's still possible to have an access to informations, countless videos and with this expectations growing. It's still natural, as we have something we like, we would like this to be as good as possible.

I do fully realise, just complaining over and over will bring us (players) nothing, as it would be known by some group of people reading particular topic. But if we want some more, we could have a some kind of petition, signed by many players, create a letter addressed to Nintendo giving them our feedback, telling them about our expectations or ideas and this will give at least small chance we could be heard... but obviously, we may still be ignored, as developers may have own plans.
What I miss the most are the meaningful dialogues with villagers. Now they only talk about what did you do yesterday or repeat the same conversation three times in a row. In NL, they talked about their fears, how much they appreciate you, they asked you favours daily... It just felt much more deep in my opinion