i just did something I've wanted to do for years but have been terrified of. Making them life changes boi
We got to leave work an hour early to hangout at a bar with free food and drinks.
I started watching season 6 of the Golden Girls today. I bought season 5 nearly half a decade ago and then the stores around here stopped selling the DVDs for some reason, but I saw them back in stores again this Wednesday and I got really excited.
It's Friday and just thinking about the fact that I'll have Monday and Tuesday off too is pleasant. I can finally rest a little bit more and try to get rid of this flu.
Managed to get some motivation together and submit some assignments for school! Got a 100% on a quiz too
Also the Pok?mon anime came out with a trailer for a new episode where they go to Malie island so that made me really happy!! Been waiting to see Guzma in the anime forever so maybe we'll see him
oh and also!! a local animal shelter just got back with me about volunteering to come in and socialize their animals!! if it works out i'll be working with cats for a couple months, then when i turn 16 this june i'll be working with dogs! (i have to wait until i'm 16 due to the possibility of dogs biting)
i'm so excited aaaaaAAAAAAAA,,,,
Had fun at work and bought a book I really wanted & a cool cap there!
Getting offered a discount on a gym membership (Though I don't know if that's just business practice)
I'm enjoying my day off and loafing around with my spouse and roommate. We're talking about mutual interests and exchanging dumb memes and jokes
Nothing has made me happy today I'm still miserable and there's nothing decent for breakfast