What's the chance of getting a Wii on Monday?


Retired Staff
Oct 13, 2005
Pear (Fruit)
October Birthstone (Opal)
Yellow Candy
Dusty Scroll
Ancient Lantern
I'm not going to be able to get a Wii on Sunday so what are the chances I can get one early Monday morning. My Wal-Mart is getting 20 and right across the street is Gamestop and EB Games. There is a pretty big town nearby where I suspect most people will get their Wiis. Do you think I have a chance to get a Wii?
Wow, my Wal-Mart's getting 67. o_O Sadly I doubt 20 will be enough to get you one on monday.

:( And EB/Gamestop's Wiis are probably been taken over by pre-orders.

Good luck.
My Target is getting 51, and I seriously doubt you'll be able to get a Wii on Monday morning... I hope you'll be able to, though, so all the best.
They'll be gone before they come in, man. My Walmart's getting 24, I'm praying on getting one on Sunday morning, after seeing the PS3s go so fast (all 15, gone)
I'd say about a .00000001% chance...That's one in a hundred million...so in 25 Wii launches, it might happen to one person lol.

Look for the second shipment, right after Thanksgiving man!
[quote="Shadow_] They'll be gone before they come in, man. My Walmart's getting 24, I'm praying on getting one on Sunday morning, after seeing the PS3s go so fast (all 15, gone) [/quote]
Thats kind of ironic... Praying to God that you'll be able to make a purchase on the Sabbath...

unless you're not Christian. >_>
Hum...I don't really know on that one. My Bestbuy is getting about 100, and I've got lots of other game stores around, so I'm going to attempt to get it on Sunday. As for you, I don't really know. You might not get one for a while, but probably before Xmas. It's a good thing you're not a PS3 fanboy. :lol: